Archives Tournaments

© New Zealand Chess Federation Inc 2022


2019 New Zealand Open Championship

 1 FM  Clarke, Brandon G I   2400  ENG     7.0  +W26 +B21 +W7  +B3  =W2  =B10 +W9  =B4  =W5
 2 GM  Gareyev, Timur        2565  USA     7.0  +W25 =B14 +W15 +B8  =B1  =W5  +W10 =B3  +W13
 3 GM  Papin, Vasily         2491  RUS     6.0  +B27 +W16 =B10 -W1  +B14 =W11 +B15 =W2  =B6
 4 GM  Johansen, Darryl K    2345  AUS     6.0  +B30 =W11 +B12 =W10 =B9  =W6  +B16 =W1  =B8
 5 IM  Wohl, Aleksandar H.   2332  AUS     6.0  -W40 +B20 +W29 =B14 +W12 =B2  +W11 =W6  =B1
 6 IM  Ker, Anthony F        2318  NZL WE  6.0  +B37 =W12 +B17 =W11 =W8  =B4  +W21 =B5  =W3
 7 FM  Stojic, Dusan         2275  AUS     6.0  +B24 +W36 -B1  +W18 =B11 -W9  +B14 =W8  +B15
 8 IM  Dive, Russell J       2295  NZL WE  6.0  +W33 =B29 +W22 -W2  =B6  +B20 +W18 =B7  =W4
 9 IM  Sandler, Leonid       2216  AUS     6.0  =W23 +B38 =W14 +B21 =W4  +B7  -B1  =W10 +B16
10 FM  Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2247  NZL HP  5.5  +W28 +B40 =W3  =B4  +W15 =W1  -B2  =B9  =W11
11 IM  Garbett, Paul A       2160  NZL NS  5.5  +W31 =B4  +W13 =B6  =W7  =B3  -B5  +W17 =B10
12 FM  Soo-Burrowes, Eliot   2124  AUS     5.5  +W34 =B6  -W4  +BYE -B5  +W27 +B36 -B13 +W22
13 FM  Smith, Robert W       2233  NZL MC  5.5  +B47 =W17 -B11 +W40 +B27 -W15 +B24 +W12 -B2
14 FM  Goormachtigh, Johan   2148  BEL     5.0  +B39 =W2  =B9  =W5  -W3  +B33 -W7  +B30 =W20
15     Winkelman, Albert     2206  AUS     5.0  +B45 +W42 -B2  +W19 -B10 +B13 -W3  +B21 -W7
16 FM  McLaren, Leonard J    2184  NZL HP  5.0  +W20 -B3  =W30 +B23 =W29 +B25 -W4  +B18 -W9
17     Fulo, Nunilon III     2006  PHI RR  5.0  +W43 =B13 -W6  =B30 +W23 -B21 +W31 -B11 +W32
18 CM  Rains, Edward         1999  NZL CA  5.0  +W46 -B22 +W32 -B7  +W31 +B29 -B8  -W16 +W30
19     Li, Johnson           1845  NZL AC  5.0  =W22 =B23 +W38 -B15 =W30 =B26 =W25 +B29 =W21
20 CM  Norris, Damian C      1878  FIJ     5.0  -B16 -W5  +B41 +W43 +B40 -W8  =W29 +B37 =B14
21 CM  Fan, Allen Chi Zhou   2110  NZL AC  4.5  +B41 -W1  +B24 -W9  +B37 +W17 -B6  -W15 =B19
22 FM  Gottuk, Stefan        2179  GER     4.5  =B19 +W18 -B8  =W37 =W25 =B30 =W23 +B33 -B12
23 WFM Zhang, Jasmine Haomo  1883  NZL AC  4.5  =B9  =W19 +B36 -W16 -B17 +W32 =B22 =W24 =B29
24 CM  Goh, Zi Han           1908  SGP     4.5  -W7  +B43 -W21 =B32 +W28 +B38 -W13 =B23 =W25
25 CM  Lam, Ross             1992  AUS     4.5  -B2  +W44 =B42 +W45 =B22 -W16 =B19 =W28 =B24
26 CM  Huang, Alex           1971  NZL WT  4.5  -B1  =W45 +B39 -BYE =BYE =W19 =B41 +W36 =B28
27     Wang, Kayson          1983  AUS     4.5  -W3  =B31 +W46 +B28 -W13 -B12 -W33 +B40 +W38
28     Renjith, Sravan       1901  NZL WT  4.5  -B10 =W41 +B44 -W27 -B24 +W42 +W38 =B25 =W26
29 CM  Duneas, John          2044  NZL AC  4.0  +B32 =W8  -B5  +W42 =B16 -W18 =B20 -W19 =W23
30 CM  Milligan, Helen       1954  NZL NS  4.0  -W4  +B34 =B16 =W17 =B19 =W22 +B35 -W14 -B18
31     Hair, Philip I        1836  NZL NS  4.0  -B11 =W27 +B47 =W36 -B18 +W37 -B17 =W35 =B39
32     Drastik, Penelope     1713  AUS     4.0  -W29 +BYE B18  =W24 =B36 -B23 +W34 +W41 -B17
33 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1926  NZL HP  4.0  -B8  =W39 -B45 +W44 +B42 -W14 +B27 -W22 =B35
34     Tsagarakis, Angelo    1795  AUS     4.0  -B12 -W30 +B35 -W39 +B43 -W36 -B32 +W44 +B41
35 CM  Buciu, Aurel-John     1756  AUS     4.0  -B36 -W37 -W34 +B46 +B39 +W45 -W30 =B31 =W33
36     Metge, J. Nigel       2069  NZL     3.5  +W35 -B7  -W23 =B31 =W32 +B34 -W12 -B26 =W37
37 CM  Bennett, Hilton P     1943  NZL HA  3.5  -W6  +B35 =BYE =B22 -W21 -B31 +W44 -W20 =B36
38 WIM Jule, Alexandra       2003  AUS     3.5  =B44 -W9  -B19 +W41 +B45 -W24 -B28 +W43 -B27
39     Winter, Ryan          1803  NZL WE  3.5  -W14 =B33 -W26 +B34 -W35 =B44 -B43 +W42 =W31
40 WFM Chibnall, Alana       1944  AUS     3.0  +B5  -W10 =BYE -B13 -W20 -W41 +B45 -W27 =B43
41     Chan, Jacob Joseph    1782  AUS     3.0  -W21 =B28 -W20 -B38 +W46 +B40 =W26 -B32 -W34
42     Chan, Jordan          1341  AUS     3.0  +BYE -B15 =W25 -B29 -W33 -B28 =W46 -B39 +W45
43     Weng, Xintong (Winst  1573  NZL AC  3.0  -B17 -W24 +BYE -B20 -W34 =B46 +W39 -B38 =W40
44 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1531  NZL NS  3.0  =W38 -B25 -W28 -B33 +BYE =W39 -B37 -B34 +W46
45     Goormachtigh, Lauren  1881  BEL RR  2.5  -W15 =B26 +W33 -B25 -W38 -B35 -W40 +B46 -B42
46     Brockman, Roland      1496  AUS     1.5  -B18 =W47 -B27 -W35 -B41 =W43 =B42 -W45 -B44
47 CM  Meng, Richard    (W)  1886  NZL NS  0.5  -W13 =B46 -W31

2019 New Zealand Major Open Championship

 1    Guerra, Romie Lord       0  PHI  7.5  +W15 +B13 +B11 +W2  =B3  -W5  +B6  +W16 +B7
 2    Lovejoy, David        1888  AUS  7.0  +B31 +W27 +B38 -B1  +W35 =W4  +B5  =W3  +B11
 3 FM Gibbons, Robert E     1860  NZL  6.5  +W32 +B24 +W23 =B5  =W1  +B10 =W4  =B2  =B14
 4    Kievelitz, Bernd      1835  GER  6.5  +B20 =W30 +B22 =W17 +W9  =B2  =B3  =W11 +W5
 5 CM Yee, Stanley          1910  NZL  6.0  +B21 +W18 +B9  =W3  +B17 +B1  -W2  =W7  -B4
 6    Sole, Michael D       1783  NZL  6.0  +B37 +W29 =B17 =W8  +W18 =B16 -W1  =B9  +W19
 7    Dai, Oliver           1712  NZL  6.0  -W39 =B25 +W34 +B36 +W24 +B8  +W10 =B5  -W1
 8    Holt, Kenneth         1791  AUS  6.0  =W34 +B36 +W30 =B6  =BYE -W7  +B20 =W15 +B17
 9    Knightbridge, Wayne   1637  NZL  6.0  +BYE +B39 -W5  +W38 -B4  +W27 =B15 =W6  +B16
10    He, Caleb             1718  NZL  6.0  +B46 -W38 +B21 +W27 +B23 -W3  -B7  +W18 +B15
11 CM Rains, Timothy        1834  NZL  5.5  +W19 +B33 -W1  -B23 +W26 +B21 +W28 =B4  -W2
12    Gold, Hamish R        1752  NZL  5.5  +W25 -B23 +W26 -B18 -W21 +B32 =W19 +B34 +W24
13    Holdo, Karl           1663  NZL  5.5  +B47 -W1  =BYE =W15 =B31 -W20 +B37 +W25 +B28
14    Hall, Nathan          1889  NZL  5.5  -W23 =B19 +W39 -B24 +W34 =W25 +B38 +B28 =W3
15    Wang, Aaron Ziwen     1502  NZL  5.0  -B1  +W47 =W16 =B13 +B38 +W17 =W9  =B8  -W10
16 CM Eade, Don             1806  NZL  5.0  -B29 +W37 =B15 +W20 +B22 =W6  +B18 -B1  -W9
17    Laking, Robert        1948  NZL  5.0  +W26 +B28 =W6  =B4  -W5  -B15 +W33 +B24 -W8
18    McDougall, Euan       1596  NZL  5.0  +W44 -B5  +W32 +W12 -B6  +B35 -W16 -B10 +W33
19    Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1430  NZL  5.0  -B11 =W14 -B25 +B43 +W30 +W22 =B12 +W27 -B6
20    Deng, Abraham         1438  NZL  5.0  -W4  +B45 =W28 -B16 +W36 +B13 -W8  +B35 =W22
21    He, Paul              1473  NZL  5.0  -W5  +B44 -W10 +B39 +B12 -W11 -B22 +W29 +B27
22    Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1682  NZL  5.0  =W36 +B34 -W4  +B30 -W16 -B19 +W21 +W23 =B20
23    Ning, Isabelle Yixua  1453  NZL  4.5  +B14 +W12 -B3  +W11 -W10 -B28 =W35 -B22 +W36
24    Taylor, Stephan Jame  1588  AUS  4.5  +B41 -W3  =BYE +W14 -B7  +W31 +B25 -W17 -B12
25    Gong, Jie             1358  NZL  4.5  -B12 =W7  +W19 =B28 +W33 =B14 -W24 -B13 +W34
26    Burrows, Grant L      1481  NZL  4.5  -B17 +W40 -B12 +W41 -B11 +W29 -B27 +W38 =B30
27    Mukkattu, Philip      1560  NZL  4.0  +W43 -B2  +W42 -B10 +W32 -B9  +W26 -B19 -W21
28    Burgess, Ken          1634  NZL  4.0  +B40 -W17 =B20 =W25 +B29 +W23 -B11 -W14 -W13
29    Vincent, David A      1410  NZL  4.0  +W16 -B6  +W33 -B35 -W28 -B26 +W40 -B21 +B39
30    Nie, David            1504  NZL  4.0  +W45 =B4  -B8  -W22 -B19 -W38 +B46 +W37 =W26
31    Li, Rodney Xiang Rei  1446  NZL  4.0  -W2  +B43 -W35 +B42 =W13 -B24 =W36 -B33 +W40
32    Gao, Hugh             1442  NZL  4.0  -B3  +W41 -B18 +W40 -B27 -W12 +B42      +W43
33    Yu, Jeffrey           1538  NZL  4.0  +B42 -W11 -B29 +W46 -B25 +W40 -B17 +W31 -B18
34    Chen, Matthew         1399  NZL  3.5  =B8  -W22 -B7  +W47 -B14 +W45 +B41 -W12 -B25
35    Liu, Xinyang     (W)  1712  NZL  3.5  -B38 +W46 +B31 +W29 -B2  -W18 =B23 -W20
36    Li, Leo Xiang Yu      1231  NZL  3.5  =B22 -W8  +B37 -W7  -B20 +W46 =B31 =W39 -B23
37    Garland, Mana         1384  NZL  3.5  -W6  -B16 -W36 =B44 +BYE +B43 -W13 -B30 +W38
38    Zhang, Kendrick       1276  NZL  3.0  +W35 +B10 -W2  -B9  -W15 +B30 -W14 -B26 -B37
39    Ashe, Michael         1341  NZL  3.0  +B7  -W9  -B14 -W21 =B45 -W41 +B44 =B36 -W29
40    Zhao, Jay Zi Xuan     1127  NZL  3.0  -W28 -B26 +W45 -B32 +W44 -B33 -B29 +W42 -B31
41    Xu, Hannah            1077  NZL  3.0  -W24 -B32 +BYE -B26 =W42 +B39 -W34 =B43 -W44
42    Chen, Penghao (Jack)   978  NZL  3.0  -W33 +BYE -B27 -W31 =B41 =B44 -W32 -B40 +W45
43    Chai, Jacob           1019  NZL  3.0  -B27 -W31 +B47 -W19 =B46 -W37 +B45 =W41 -B32
44    Liu, Ethan Yichen      833  NZL  3.0  -B18 -W21 -B46 =W37 -B40 =W42 -W39 +BYE +B41
45    Qin, James             813  NZL  2.5  -B30 -W20 -B40 +BYE =W39 -B34 -W43 +W46 -B42
46    Smith, Scott R        1347  NZL  2.5  -W10 -B35 +W44 -B33 =W43 -B36 -W30 -B45 +BYE
47    Barry, Jacob     (W)  1221  NZL  0.0  -W13 -B15 -W43 -B34 -BYE
48    Yuan, Kimberley  (W)  1220  NZL  0.0  -BYE

2019 New Zealand Rapid Championship

 1 GM  Gareyev, Timur        2502  USA  8.5  +B23 +W31 +B15 +W4  +B10 +W2  =B5  +W3  +B8
 2 GM  Papin, Vasily         2547  RUS  7.0  +W42 +B20 +W14 +B3  +W12 -B1  +W13 =B8  =W5
 3 IM  Sandler, Leonid       2288  AUS  7.0  +W24 +B37 +W18 -W2  +B16 +W4  +B12 -B1  +W13
 4     Hart, Ralph           2125  NZL  7.0  +W36 +B46 +W9  -B1  +W6  -B3  +W20 +W22 +B17
 5 FM  Clarke, Brandon G I   2365  ENG  7.0  +W29 +B34 +W13 -B12 +W30 +B14 =W1  +B9  =B2
 6     Guerra, Romie Lord       0  PHI  6.5  +B19 +W33 +B35 -W10 -B4  +W21 =B17 +W15 +B18
 7     Renjith, Sravan       1571  NZL  6.5  +B62 =W17 =B33 =W15 =B11 +W54 =B18 +W23 +B12
 8 IM  Ker, Anthony F        2301  NZL  6.0  +B47 +W21 -B12 =W11 +B33 +W15 +B10 =W2  -W1
 9 IM  Wohl, Aleksandar H.   2335  AUS  6.0  +B27 +W11 -B4  +W31 +B18 -W12 +B16 -W5  +B21
10 IM  Dive, Russell J       2332  NZL  6.0  +W38 +B32 +W30 +B6  -W1  -B13 -W8  +B25 +W28
11     Koestanto, Erwin      1754  INA  6.0  +W53 -B9  +W24 =B8  =W7  +B26 =W14 =W16 +B22
12     Li, Johnson           1901  NZL  5.5  +W52 +B65 +W8  +W5  -B2  +B9  -W3  =B13 -W7
13 FM  Smith, Robert W       2170  NZL  5.5  +B50 +W25 -B5  +W39 +B22 +W10 -B2  =W12 -B3
14 IM  Garbett, Paul A       2215  NZL  5.5  +B26 +W28 -B2  +W21 +B20 -W5  =B11 -W17 +B34
15 FM  Gottuk, Stefan        2184  GER  5.5  +W41 +B22 -W1  =B7  +W32 -B8  +W50 -B6  +W31
16     Lovejoy, David        1906  AUS  5.5  =B35 +W19 =B17 +W27 -W3  +B24 -W9  =B11 +W32
17 CM  Notley, David G       1993  NZL  5.5  +W43 =B7  =W16 =B32 +W50 =B30 =W6  +B14 -W4
18     Lam, Ross             1992  AUS  5.5  +B55 +W54 -B3  +W23 -W9  +B29 =W7  +B32 -W6
19     Li, Andrew            1588  NZL  5.5  -W6  -B16 -W58 +B66 +W44 +B57 +W55 =B20 +W30
20     Runcan, Daniel-Ioan   1889  ROU  5.0  +B51 -W2  +B29 +W54 -W14 +B27 -B4  =W19 =B23
21     Chan, Jacob Joseph    1726  AUS  5.0  +W59 -B8  +W41 -B14 +W38 -B6  +W24 +B39 -W9
22     Goormachtigh, Lauren  1675  BEL  5.0  +B60 -W15 +B49 +W28 -W13 +B41 +W34 -B4  -W11
23     He, Caleb             1538  NZL  5.0  -W1  +B52 +W65 -B18 =W55 +B31 +W30 -B7  =W20
24     McDougall, Euan       1506  NZL  5.0  -B3  +W56 -B11 +W45 +B25 -W16 -B21 +W54 +W39
25     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1679  NZL  5.0  +W63 -B13 +W43 -B30 -W24 +B52 +W26 -W10 +B37
26     Ning, Isabelle Yixua  1464  NZL  5.0  -W14 +B59 -W32 +B44 +W48 -W11 -B25 +B56 +W38
27     He, Paul              1532  NZL  5.0  -W9  +B44 +W34 -B16 +W57 -W20 +B54 -B31 +W41
28     Kerr, Grant           1704  NZL  5.0  +W58 -B14 =W36 -B22 +W51 =B55 +W38 +B40 -B10
29     Zheng, Thomas         1533  NZL  5.0  -B5  +W57 -W20 +B52 +W58 -W18 -B40 +B43 +W47
30     Krstev, Antonio       2019  NZL  4.5  +B49 +W39 -B10 +W25 -B5  =W17 -B23 +W35 -B19
31 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1887  NZL  4.5  +W44 -B1  +W38 -B9  =B35 -W23 +B45 +W27 -B15
32 CM  Buciu, Aurel-John     1714  AUS  4.5  +B45 -W10 +B26 =W17 -B15 +W36 +B35 -W18 -B16
33 CM  Bennett, Hilton P     1958  NZL  4.5  +W40 -B6  =W7  +B36 -W8  -B50 +W56 -B37 +B51
34     Gold, Hamish R        1735  NZL  4.5  +B57 -W5  -B27 +W40 +B49 =W35 -B22 +B50 -W14
35     Chan, Jordan          1366  AUS  4.5  =W16 +B48 -W6  +B42 =W31 =B34 -W32 -B30 +W40
36     Li, Allen             1444  NZL  4.5  -B4  +W60 =B28 -W33 +W42 -B32 -W37 +B55 +W50
37 CM  Eade, Don             1700  NZL  4.5  +B56 -W3  =B50 =W55 -B54 =W45 +B36 +W33 -W25
38     Weng, Xintong (Winst  1522  NZL  4.0  -B10 +W45 -B31 +W59 -B21 +W58 -B28 +W49 -B26
39     Pakenham, John        1614  NZL  4.0  +W61 -B30 +W40 -B13 -BYE +B43 +W41 -W21 -B24
40     Chen, Matthew         1392  NZL  4.0  -B33 +W62 -B39 -B34 +W60 +B48 +W29 -W28 -B35
41     Yu, Jeffrey           1453  NZL  4.0  -B15 +W66 -B21 +W65 +BYE -W22 -B39 +W48 -B27
42     List, Robert          1562  NZL  4.0  -B2  =W51 +B47 -W35 -B36 +W61 -B48 =W45 +B58
43     Mudaliar, Rohit       1413  NZL  4.0  -B17 +W64 -B25 -B48 +W53 -W39 +B58 -W29 +B54
44     Xu, Hannah            1243  NZL  4.0  -B31 -W27 +B60 -W26 -B19 +W62 +W46 -B47 +W56
45     Zhao, Jay Zi Xuan     1063  NZL  4.0  -W32 -B38 +W62 -B24 +W46 =B37 -W31 =B42 +W61
46     Cooper, Nigel         1606  NZL  4.0  +B64 -W4  -B54 -W57 -B45 +W51 -B44 +W59 +B53
47     Gothorp, Thomas H T   1508  NZL  4.0  -W8  -B53 -W42 +B64 -W56 +BYE +B59 +W44 -B29
48     Peak, Stephen         1767  NZL  4.0  -B54 -W35 +B56 +W43 -B26 -W40 +W42 -B41 +W57
49     Ghadiali, Saasha      1427  NZL  4.0  -W30 +B63 -W22 +B53 -W34 -B56 +W57 -B38 +W55
50     Patdu, Ariel A        1448  PHI  3.5  -W13 +B58 =W37 +B51 -B17 +W33 -B15 -W34 -B36
51 WCM Ghadiali, Renae       1260  NZL  3.5  -W20 =B42 +W61 -W50 -B28 -B46 +W66 +B52 -W33
52     McRae, John           1291  NZL  3.5  -B12 -W23 +B66 -W29 +B65 -W25 =B53 -W51 +B63
53     Chen, Penghao (Jack)  1072  NZL  3.5  -B11 +W47 -B55 -W49 -B43 +W65 =W52 +B61 -W46
54     Ashe, Michael         1146  NZL  3.0  +W48 -B18 +W46 -B20 +W37 -B7  -W27 -B24 -W43
55     Smith, Scott R        1402  NZL  3.0  -W18 =B61 +W53 =B37 =B23 =W28 -B19 -W36 -B49
56     Yang, Lucase          1029  NZL  3.0  -W37 -B24 -W48 +B62 +B47 +W49 -B33 -W26 -B44
57     Chai, Jacob           1068  NZL  3.0  -W34 -B29 +W63 +B46 -B27 -W19 -B49 +W62 -B48
58     Xiao, Lucas           1043  NZL  3.0  -B28 -W50 +B19 +W61 -B29 -B38 -W43 +B64 -W42
59     Yuan, Jacob           1064  NZL  3.0  -B21 -W26 +W64 -B38      +B60 -W47 -B46 +W66
60     Wang, Eugene           906  NZL  3.0  -W22 -B36 -W44 +B63 -B40 -W59 -B61 +W65 +B62
61     Yang, Andy             812  NZL  2.5  -B39 =W55 -B51 -B58 +W63 -B42 +W60 -W53 -B45
62     Xin, Allen               0  NZL  2.0  -W7  -B40 -B45 -W56 +BYE -B44 +W64 -B57 -W60
63     Gan, Emily             961  NZL  2.0  -B25 -W49 -B57 -W60 -B61 -W64 +B65 +B66 -W52
64     Zhu, David             811  NZL  2.0  -W46 -B43 -B59 -W47 -W66 +B63 -B62 -W58 +B65
65     Xin, Jayden              0  NZL  1.0  +BYE -W12 -B23 -B41 -W52 -B53 -W63 -B60 -W64
66     Luo, Max               950  NZL  1.0       -B41 -W52 -W19 +B64 -BYE -B51 -W63 -B59

2019 North Island Championship

 1 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2342  NZL  7.5  +W30 +B21 +W7  =B2  +W5  +W3  +B4  +B11
 2 FM  Wastney, Scott        2396  NZL  6.5  +B13 +W11 +B8  =W1  -B3  +W6  +B14 +W9
 3 IM  Ker, Anthony F        2472  NZL  6.0  +W23 +B12 =W10 +B4  +W2  -B1  =W5  +B16
 4 FM  Smith, Robert W       2313  NZL  5.5  +B50 +W26 +B14 -W3  +B18 +W9  -W1  =B5
 5 FM  Croad, Nicholas       2453  NZL  5.5  +B28 +W31 =B6  +W16 -B1  +W8  =B3  =W4
 6 CM  Duneas, John          2196  NZL  5.5  +W43 +B27 =W5  =B10 +W7  -B2  =W17 +W18
 7 CM  Nagorski, Alex        1971  NZL  5.5  +B39 +W9  -B1  +W29 -B6  +W38 =B11 +W14
 8 WIM Timergazi, Layla      2155  NZL  5.5  +W35 +B24 -W2  =B15 +W27 -B5  +W26 +B17
 9 CM  Cilia Vincenti, Davi  2208  MLT  5.0  +W46 -B7  +W20 +B24 +W25 -B4  +W19 -B2
10     Dowden, R Anthony     2189  NZL  5.0  +B22 +W38 =B3  =W6  =B14 -W11 +B37 =W12
11     Lee, Edward S         2042  NZL  5.0  +W34 -B2  =BYE +W22 +B16 +B10 =W7  -W1
12 WFM Zhang, Jasmine Haomo  2090  NZL  5.0  +W54 -W3  =B32 -W37 +B41 +B34 +W20 =B10
13     He, Caleb             1799  NZL  5.0  -W2  +B49 -W19 +B33 +W21 =B20 =W15 +B27
14     Nijman, Brian         2136  NZL  4.5  +W36 +B33 -W4  +B23 =W10 +B15 -W2  -B7
15     Goodhue, Nathan       2141  NZL  4.5  +B44 +W41 =B16 =W8  =B17 -W14 =B13 =W21
16 IM  Dive, Russell J       2431  NZL  4.5  +W32 +B19 =W15 -B5  -W11 +B29 +W24 -W3
17     Wells, Clinton A      1979  NZL  4.5  -W33 +B36 +W43 +B30 =W15 =BYE =B6  -W8
18     Nyberg, Michael       2091  NZL  4.5  =B53 =W29 +B37 +W26 -W4  =B24 +W25 -B6
19 WFM Punsalan, Vyanla M    2077  NZL  4.5  +B48 -W16 +B13 =W38 =B37 +W28 -B9  =W22
20     McNabb, Matthew D     2201  NZL  4.5  +B40 =W37 -B9  +W32 =B38 =W13 -B12 +B30
21     Tanoi, T Edward       2048  NZL  4.5  +B42 -W1  -B29 +W48 -B13 +W43 +B40 =B15
22     Findlay, John         1734  NZL  4.5  -W10 +B56 =W27 -B11 +W49 +B23 =W31 =B19
23     Dolejs, Dan           1872  NZL  4.5  -B3  +W44 +B39 -W14 =B42 -W22 +B45 +W37
24     Jackson, L Ross       1928  NZL  4.0  +B51 -W8  +B41 -W9  +B40 =W18 -B16 =B31
25     Benitez, Edgar        2038  NZL  4.0  -B41 +W53 +B40 +W28 -B9  =W37 -B18 =W29
26     Chen, Wei Kai         1964  NZL  4.0  +W47 -B4  +W35 -B18 =B29 +W42 -B8  =W28
27     Rossiter, Philip E    1936  NZL  4.0  +B55 -W6  =B22 +W53 -B8  =W39 +B33 -W13
28     Brockway, Andrew      1845  NZL  4.0  -W5  +B54 +W47 -B25 +W30 -B19 =W32 =B26
29     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1773  NZL  4.0  =BYE B18  +W21 -B7  =W26 -W16 +B39 =B25
30     He, Paul              1771  NZL  4.0  -B1  +W42 +B31 -W17 -B28 +W41 +B38 -W20
31     Sellen, Ian           2053  NZL  4.0  +W49 -B5  -W30 =B34 +W36 =B32 =B22 =W24
32     Lyall, Simon          1825  NZL  4.0  -B16 +W48 =W12 -B20 +B53 =W31 =B28 =W38
33     Zhang, Kendrick       1502  NZL  4.0  +B17 -W14 -B38 -W13 +W35 +B46 -W27 +B50
34     Heyworth, Nicholas    1532  NZL  4.0  -B11 =BYE =W50 =W31 +B44 -W12 =B42 +W40
35     Scott, David          1666  NZL  4.0  -B8  +W51 -B26 -W41 -B33 +W48 +B47 +W39
36     List, Robert          1627  NZL  4.0  -B14 -W17 +B55 =W39 -B31 =W44 +B41 +W42
37     Sole, Michael D       1931  NZL  3.5  +W52 =B20 -W18 +B12 =W19 =B25 -W10 -B23
38     Mullan, A Brett       1923  NZL  3.5  +W56 -B10 +W33 =B19 =W20 -B7  -W30 =B32
39     Ravi, Narasimhan Lak  1441  NZL  3.0  -W7  +B46 -W23 =B36 +W50 =B27 -W29 -B35
40     Wevers, Alexis        1740  NZL  3.0  -W20 +B52 -W25 +B47 -W24 +B54 -W21 -B34
41     Ashe, Michael         1521  NZL  3.0  +W25 -B15 -W24 +B35 -W12 -B30 -W36 +B49
42     Legner, James         1538  NZL  3.0  -W21 -B30 +W46 +B43 =W23 -B26 =W34 -B36
43     Heppenstall, Lara     1735  CAN  3.0  -B6  +W55 -B17 -W42 +B51 -B21 =W49 =W45
44     Stracy, Don M    (W)  1664  NZL  3.0  -W15 -B23 =W49 +B45 -W34 =B36 +W54
45     Gunawan, Geoffrey     1445  NZL  3.0  =BYE      -B53 -W44 +B52 +B50 -W23 =B43
46     Barraza Perez, Je(W)  1759  NZL  3.0  -B9  -W39 -B42 +W55 +B48 -W33 +B53
47     Carroll, Lewis        1178  NZL  3.0  -B26 +W50 -B28 -W40 -W54 +B52 -W35 +B53
48     Hurndell, Robert      1545  NZL  3.0  -W19 -B32 +W56 -B21 -W46 -B35 +W55 +B54
49     Yu, Jeffrey           1540  NZL  2.5  -B31 -W13 =B44 +W51 -B22 =W53 =B43 -W41
50     Farrington, Lawrence  1762  NZL  2.5  -W4  -B47 =B34 +W52 -B39 -W45 +B51 -W33
51     Ackroyd, William         0  NZL  2.5  -W24 -B35 +W54 -B49 -W43 =B55 -W50 +W56
52     Lee, Dylan E S         686  NZL  2.5  -B37 -W40 =BYE -B50 -W45 -W47 +B56 +B55
53     Darr, Samuel          1563  NZL  2.0  =W18 -B25 +W45 -B27 -W32 =B49 -W46 -W47
54     Osborne, Geoff        1550  NZL  2.0  -B12 -W28 -B51 +W56 +B47 -W40 -B44 -W48
55     Zhang, Ethan          1003  NZL  1.5  -W27 -B43 -W36 -B46 +B56 =W51 -B48 -W52
56     Zhang, Franklyn          0  NZL  1.0  -B38 -W22 -B48 -B54 -W55 +BYE -W52 -B51

2019 New Zealand Junior Chess Championship

 1 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2206  NZL  6.5  +B16 +W28 +B5  +W4  =B2  +W17 +B9
 2 FM  Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2256  NZL  6.0  +W18 +B29 +W7  +B6  =W1  =B3  +W4
 3 CM  Picken, Oliver        1752  NZL  5.5  +B31 +W17 +B13 +W15 -B9  =W2  +B10
 4     Hackney, Connor       1273  NZL  5.0  +B43 +W10 +B24 -B1  +W5  +W15 -B2
 5     Deng, Abraham         1534  NZL  5.0  +W25 +B11 -W1  +B26 -B4  +W21 +W12
 6     Yu, Jeffrey           1437  NZL  5.0  +B36 +W19 +B9  -W2  -B15 +W16 +B17
 7     Zhang, Boyuan         1469  NZL  5.0  +B27 +W21 -B2  +W20 -B17 +W19 +B15
 8     McDougall, Sylvia     1307  NZL  5.0  +B48 -W9  +B27 -W16 +B31 +W30 +B20
 9 WCM Qin, Nicole Shu Yu    1768  NZL  4.5  +W34 +B8  -W6  +B11 +W3  =B12 -W1
10     Wang, Aaron Ziwen     1696  NZL  4.5  +W42 -B4  =W26 +B24 +W14 +B13 -W3
11     Mao, Daqi             1171  NZL  4.5  +B33 -W5  +B22 -W9  =B27 +W28 +B24
12     Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1614  NZL  4.5  +B46 +W20 -B15 +W21 +B29 =W9  -B5
13     Chen, Matthew         1414  NZL  4.5  +W39 +B30 -W3  =B18 +B16 -W10 +B29
14     Xiao, Lucas           1392  NZL  4.5  +B37 -W15 +B31 =W19 -B10 +W27 +B25
15     Yang, Lucase          1110  NZL  4.0  +W32 +B14 +W12 -B3  +W6  -B4  -W7
16     Chen, Penghao (Jack)  1082  NZL  4.0  -W1  +B47 +W35 +B8  -W13 -B6  +W33
17     Chang, Yolanda        1250  NZL  4.0  +W49 -B3  +W42 +B32 +W7  -B1  -W6
18     Zhao, Jay Zi Xuan     1097  NZL  4.0  -B2  +W22 +B38 =W13 =B19 -W24 +B32
19     Ma, Michael           1160  NZL  4.0  +W35 -B6  +W30 =B14 =W18 -B7  +W34
20     Morgan, Aidan         1231  NZL  4.0  +W45 -B12 +W25 -B7  +W33 +B34 -W8
21     Cai, Vincent          1188  NZL  4.0  +W44 -B7  +W33 -B12 +W32 -B5  +W26
22     Ng, Lauren               0  NZL  4.0  +W23 -B18 -W11 -B25 +W39 +B42 +W35
23     Zhang, Eric           1112  NZL  4.0  -B22 +W37 -B32 +W44 -B43 +W36 +B30
24     Al-Afaghani, Baraa    1460  NZL  3.5  +W40 =B26 -W4  -W10 +B38 +B18 -W11
25     Xiao, Maxwell          758  NZL  3.5  -B5  +W45 -B20 +W22 =B28 +W31 -W14
26     Xu, Hannah            1107  NZL  3.5  +B38 =W24 =B10 -W5  +B37 =W29 -B21
27     Tang, Tracy            745  NZL  3.5  -W7  +B44 -W8  +B35 =W11 -B14 +W42
28     Yang, Andy            1285  NZL  3.5  +W41 -B1  -W34 +B39 =W25 -B11 +W38
29     Han, Allan            1343  NZL  3.5  +W47 -W2  +B46 +B34 -W12 =B26 -W13
30     Yao, Simai Austin        0  NZL  3.0  +BYE W13  -B19 +W36 +B40 -B8  -W23
31     Lin, Patrick           875  NZL  3.0  -W3  +B41 -W14 +B45 -W8  -B25 +W43
32     Wang, Lucas              0  NZL  3.0  -B15 +BYE +W23 -W17 -B21 +B41 -W18
33     Lau, Wesley              0  NZL  3.0  -W11 +B40 -B21 +W46 -B20 +W37 -B16
34     Gan, Emily             989  NZL  3.0  -B9  +W48 +B28 -W29 +B44 -W20 -B19
35     Liu, Raymond             0  NZL  3.0  -B19 +W36 -B16 -W27 +B48 +W43 -B22
36     Kang, Thomas           692  NZL  3.0  -W6  -B35 +W41 -B30 +W45 -B23 +W44
37     Zhao, Oliver           461  NZL  3.0  -W14 -B23 +W49 +B42 -W26 -B33 +W45
38     Xiao, Leo Yi             0  NZL  2.5  -W26 +B39 -W18 =B40 -W24 +W47 -B28
39     Sheng, Ethan           668  NZL  2.5  -B13 -W38 +B43 -W28 -B22 =W40 +B49
40     Chan, Matthew          707  NZL  2.5  -B24 -W33 +B48 =W38 -W30 =B39 =W41
41     Chen, Joseph             0  NZL  2.5  -B28 -W31 -B36 +W48 +B46 -W32 =B40
42     Al-Afaghani, Anas      795  NZL  2.0  -B10 +W43 -B17 -W37 +B49 -W22 -B27
43     Chen, William            0  NZL  2.0  -W4  -B42 -W39 +B47 +W23 -B35 -B31
44     Hou, Mel                 0  NZL  2.0  -B21 -W27 +BYE -B23 -W34 +W49 -B36
45     Goddard, Sebastian       0  NZL  2.0  -B20 -B25 +W47 -W31 -B36 +W46 -B37
46     Yu, Dean               765  NZL  2.0  -W12 +B49 -W29 -B33 -W41 -B45 +BYE
47     Chang, Orlando         424  NZL  2.0  -B29 -W16 -B45 -W43 +BYE -B38 +W48
48     Chen, Austin             0  NZL  1.0  -W8  -B34 -W40 -B41 -W35 +BYE -B47
49     Cheng, Vincent Yunxi     0  NZL  1.0  -B17 -W46 -B37 +BYE -W42 -B44 -W39

2019 42nd Trusts Open A-Grade

 1     Capel, Evan T         2340  MAS  5.0  +B30 +W15 =B8  +W14 +B7  =W5
 2 IM  Dive, Russell J       2431  NZL  4.5  +B27 =W5  =B7  +W20 =B4  +W8
 3 CM  Duneas, John          2196  NZL  4.5  +B23 +W10 +B4  -W7  =B8  +W12
 4 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2342  NZL  4.5  +W17 +B20 -W3  +B19 =W2  +B7
 5 CM  Cilia Vincenti, Davi  2208  MLT  4.5  +W29 =B2  =W19 +B9  +W11 =B1
 6 FM  Gibbons, Robert E     2082  NZL  4.0  +B12 -W7  =B10 =W21 +B14 +W20
 7 CM  Fan, Allen Chi Zhou   2237  NZL  3.5  +W16 +B6  =W2  +B3  -W1  -W4
 8 FM  Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2328  NZL  3.5  +W28 +B22 =W1  =B12 =W3  -B2
 9     Guerra, Romie Lord    1926  PHI  3.5  +W18 -B11 +W22 -W5  +BYE =B13
10 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2352  NZL  3.5  +W24 -B3  =W6  +B16 -W12 +B19
11 IM  Garbett, Paul A       2351  NZL  3.5  =B19 +W9  -B14 +W15 -B5  +W21
12 IM  Ker, Anthony F        2472  NZL  3.5  -W6  +B28 +W25 =W8  +B10 -B3
13 FM  Smith, Robert W       2313  NZL  3.5  -B15 -W14 +B28 +W17 +B23 =W9
14 CM  Milligan, Helen       2089  NZL  3.0  =W26 +B13 +W11 -B1  -W6  =B18
15 CM  Nagorski, Alex        1971  NZL  3.0  +W13 -B1  =W18 -B11 +W25 =B22
16     Mistry, Prashant      1945  NZL  3.0  -B7  =B18 +W26 -W10 =B24 +W23
17     Krstev, Antonio       2060  NZL  3.0  -B4  =W21 =B23 -B13 +W29 +W24
18     Thornton, Giovanni A  2226  NZL  3.0  -B9  =W16 =B15 +W30 =B21 =W14
19 CM  Bennett, Hilton P     2068  NZL  2.5  =W11 +B26 =B5  -W4  =B20 -W10
20     Browne, Jeremy A      2146  NZL  2.5  +W25 -W4  +B27 -B2  =W19 -B6
21     Xie, Felix            1795  NZL  2.5  -W22 =B17 +W24 =B6  =W18 -B11
22 WFM Zhang, Jasmine Haomo  2090  NZL  2.5  +B21 -W8  -B9  -W23 +B30 =W15
23     Dai, Oliver           1885  NZL  2.0  -W3  =B24 =W17 +B22 -W13 -B16
24 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       2076  NZL  2.0  -B10 =W23 -B21 +W26 =W16 -B17
25     He, Caleb             1799  NZL  2.0  -B20 +W30 -B12 =W27 -B15 =W29
26     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1773  NZL  2.0  =B14 -W19 -B16 -B24 =W28 +W30
27 WFM Punsalan, Vyanla (W)  2077  NZL  1.5  -W2  +B29 -W20 =B25 -BYE
28     Wright, Caleb         1977  NZL  1.5  -B8  -W12 -W13 -B29 =B26 +BYE
29 WCM Qin, Nicole Shu Yu    1926  NZL  1.5  -B5  -W27 -B30 +W28 -B17 =B25
30     Metge, J Nigel        2037  NZL  1.0  -W1  -B25 +W29 -B18 -W22 -B26

2019 Peter Stuart Memorial Open

1  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2183  NZL AC  4.0   +W22 +B7   +W2  -B4  +W5
2  Capel, Evan T         2172  MAS     4.0   +B17 +W19  -B1  +W10 +W6
3  Hague, Ben            2394  NZL AC  4.0   +W8  =B6   =BYE +B7  +W4
4  McLaren, Leonard J    2167  NZL HP  3.5   =W20 +B18  +W5  +W1  -B3
5  Hart, Ralph           2159  NZL NS  3.0   +B14 +W12  -B4  +W15 -B1
6  Garbett, Paul A       2156  NZL NS  3.0   +W23 =W3   =BYE +B9  -B2
7  Thornton, Giovanni A  2053  NZL NS  3.0   +B15 -W1   +B13 -W3  +W11
8  Zhang, Jasmine Ha(W)  1936  NZL AC  3.0   -B3  +W14  +B12 +W19
9  Steadman, Michael V   2251  NZL AC  3.0   =B11 =W10  +B17 -W6  +B15
10 Punsalan, Vyanla M    1904  NZL NP  3.0   =BYE =B9   +W20 -B2  +W16
11 Metge, J Nigel        1911  NZL AC  2.5   =W9  =B16  =BYE +W17 -B7
12 Xie, Felix            1705  NZL AC  2.5   +W21 -B5   -W8  =B20 +W22
13 Meng, Richard         1814  NZL NS  2.5   -B19 1BYE  -W7  =B21 +W20
14 Wright, Caleb         1858  NZL MM  2.5   -W5  -B8   =W22 1BYE +B19
15 Vickers, Josia        1837  NZL MM  2.0   -W7  +B22  +W16 -B5  -W9
16 Duneas, John          2151  NZL AC  2.0   =BYE =W11  -B15 +W18 -B10
17 Lim, Benjamin U       1882  NZL HP  2.0   -W2  +B23  -W9  -B11 +W21
18 Nagorski, Alex        1858  NZL AC  2.0   =BYE -W4   =B21 -B16 +W23
19 Gunn, Neil J          1969  NZL NS  1.5   +W13 -B2   =BYE -B8  -W14
20 Johns, Daniel P       1882  NZL NS  1.5   =B4  =W21  -B10 =W12 -B13
21 Krstev, Antonio       1959  NZL NS  1.5   -B12 =B20  =W18 =W13 -B17
22 Mistry, Prashant      1901  NZL HA  1.5   -B1  -W15  =B14 +W23 -B12
23 Hair, Philip I        1853  NZL NS  0.5   -B6  -W17  =BYE -B22 -B18

2019 Waikato Open A Grade

 1 FM  Hague, Ben            2390  NZL AC  5.5  +B10 +W4  +B3  +W18 =W2  +B5
 2     Hart, Ralph           2130  NZL NS  5.0  +W21 +B16 +W12 =BYE =B1  +W6
 3 IM  Dive, Russell John    2282  NZL WE  4.5  +B17 +W6  -W1  =BYE +B13 +W7
 4 FM  Gibbons, Robert       1918  NZL PT  4.0  +W11 -B1  =W14 =BYE +B16 +W12
 5 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1869  NZL HP  3.5  =BYE +W22 +B23 =W6  =B12 -W1
 6 WFM Zhang, Jasmine Haomo  1890  NZL AC  3.5  +W26 -B3  +W25 =B5  +W9  -B2
 7 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2206  NZL AC  3.5  =BYE +W15 -B18 +B19 +W14 -B3
 8     Dare, Richard         1920  NZL HA  3.5  +B20 -BYE +W16 -B9  +W18 =B10
 9 WFM Punsalan, Vyanla M    1914  NZL NS  3.5  =BYE =W24 =B15 +W8  -B6  +B18
10 CM  Marko, Helmut         1877  PNG MM  3.5  -W1  =B11 +W26 =BYE +B19 =W8
11     Ning, Isabelle Yixua  1528  NZL AC  3.5  -B4  =W10 =B17 +W24 +W15 =B14
12 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2283  NZL AC  3.0  +W14 +BYE -B2  =BYE =W5  -B4
13 IM  Garbett, Paul Anthon  2190  NZL NS  3.0  -B15 +W21 +B24 =BYE -W3  =B17
14     Wright, Caleb         1863  NZL MM  3.0  -B12 +W20 =B4  +W23 -B7  =W11
15 CM  Picken, Oliver        1752  NZL PT  3.0  +W13 -B7  =W9  =BYE -B11 +B21
16     Mistry, Prashant      1903  NZL NS  3.0  +B27 -W2  -B8  +B20 -W4  +W25
17     Lynn, William         1772  NZL HA  3.0  -W3  =B26 =W11 =BYE +B23 =W13
18 CM  Eade, Don             1747  NZL AC  2.5  =BYE +W25 +W7  -B1  -B8  -W9
19     Post, Martin          1764  NZL WA  2.5  =B25 -W23 +B22 -W7  -W10 +B26
20 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1579  NZL NS  2.5  -W8  -B14 +B21 -W16 =B25 +W23
21     Lin, Michael          1600  NZL HA  2.0  -B2  -B13 -W20 +BYE +B22 -W15
22     Zhang, Boyuan         1469  NZL AC  2.0  =BYE -B5  -W19 =B26 -W21 +BYE
23     Yu, Jeffrey           1437  NZL NS  1.5  =BYE +B19 -W5  -B14 -W17 -B20
24     Ha, Huy Minh (Tim(W)  1664  NZL AC  1.5  =BYE =B9  -W13 -B11 =W26
25     Spain, Graeme         2193  NZL GA  1.5  =W19 -B18 -B6  =BYE =W20 -B16
26     Zhang, Kendrick Boto  1489  NZL NS  1.5  -B6  =W17 -B10 =W22 =B24 -W19
27     Hooton, Barry R  (W)  1526  NZL PT  0.0  -W16

2019 Auckland Anniversary Weekender

 1 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2273  NZL AC  5.5  +W22 +B4  +W6  +B5  +W2  =B3
 2 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2257  NZL AC  5.0  +B27 +W8  +B9  +W3  -B1  +W5
 3 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1926  NZL HP  4.5  +W19 +B12 +W13 -B2  +W7  =W1
 4 WCM Qin, Nicole Shu Yu    1723  NZL AC  4.5  +B28 -W1  +B16 +W17 =B11 +B6
 5     Krstev, Antonio       1960  NZL NS  4.0  +W16 +B26 +W7  -W1  +B14 -B2
 6 WFM Zhang, Jasmine Haomo  1883  NZL AC  4.0  +B20 +W23 -B1  +W12 +B8  -W4
 7     Ning, Isabelle Yixua  1453  NZL AC  4.0  +B29 +W11 -B5  +W9  -B3  +W14
 8     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1682  NZL AC  4.0  +W21 -B2  +W19 +B13 -W6  +B15
 9 CM  Buciu, Aurel-John     1756  AUS     4.0  +W25 +B15 -W2  -B7  +W17 +W16
10 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1531  NZL NS  4.0  +W32 =B24 -W14 =B18 +W19 +B13
11 CM  Nagorski, Alex        1817  NZL AC  3.5  +W18 -B7  =W24 +B23 =W4  =B12
12     Xie, Felix            1519  NZL AC  3.5  +B34 -W3  +B20 -B6  +W18 =W11
13     Yuan, Jacob           1252  NZL NP  3.0  +W14 +B22 -B3  -W8  +B27 -W10
14     Post, Martin          1799  NZL WA  3.0  -B13 +W28 +B10 +W15 -W5  -B7
15     Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1430  NZL AC  3.0  +W31 -W9  +B25 -B14 +W20 -W8
16     Kulchayodom, Pridiya  1347  THA     3.0  -B5  +W30 -W4  +B21 +W25 -B9
17     Jain, Uday            1339  NZL AC  3.0  -W24 +B32 +W26 -B4  -B9  +W28
18     Myers, Sean           1276  AUS NS  3.0  -B11 +W29 =B23 =W10 -B12 +W27
19 WCM Lourenco, Eva         1315  NZL NS  3.0  -B3  +W34 -B8  +W28 -B10 +B25
20     Zhang, Kendrick (ken  1276  NZL NS  3.0  -W6  +B33 -W12 +B26 -B15 +W30
21     Xu, Hannah            1077  NZL AC  3.0  -B8  +W27 -B28 -W16 +B29 +W31
22     Vincent, David A      1410  NZL AC  3.0  -B1  -W13 +B34 -W25 +B33 +W23
23     Burrows, Grant L      1481  NZL AC  2.5  +W33 -B6  =W18 -W11 +B26 -B22
24 CM  Milligan, Helen  (W)  1954  NZL NS  2.0  +B17 =W10 =B11
25     Thurner, Anya         1173  NZL AC  2.0  -B9  +W31 -W15 +B22 -B16 -W19
26     Holdo, Karl           1663  NZL AC  2.0  +B30 -W5  -B17 -W20 -W23 +B32
27     Ravi, Narasimhan Lak  1390  NZL AC  2.0  -W2  -B21 +W33 +B31 -W13 -B18
28     Zhao, Jay Zi Xuan     1127  NZL HP  2.0  -W4  -B14 +W21 -B19 +W32 -B17
29     Shi, Aaron               0  NZL NS  2.0  -W7  -B18 +W32 -B30 -W21 +B33
30     Smith, Scott R           0  NZL PT  2.0  -W26 -B16      +W29 +B31 -B20
31     Pattni, Anika            0  NZL AC  1.0  -B15 -B25 +BYE -W27 -W30 -B21
32     Pattni, Jayti            0  NZL HP  1.0  -B10 -W17 -B29 +W34 -B28 -W26
33     Zhu, David               0  NZL     1.0  -B23 -W20 -B27 +BYE -W22 -W29
34     Wang, Eugene     (W)     0  NZL AC  1.0  -W12 -B19 -W22 -B32 +BYE

2019 Auckland ANZAC Weekender

 1 CM  Duneas, John          2083  NZL AC  5.5  +B25 +W10 +B21 +B2  +W5  =W3
 2     Guerra, Romie Lord    1893  PHI     5.0  +W13 +B23 +B4  -W1  +B15 +W9
 3 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2277  NZL AC  4.5  +W12 +B22 =W5  =B4  +W8  =B1
 4 CM  Fan, Allen Chi Zhou   2098  NZL AC  4.5  +W16 +B11 -W2  =W3  +B10 +B7
 5 WFM Punsalan, Vyanla M    1943  NZL NS  4.0  +W9  +B8  =B3  =W21 -B1  +B14
 6     Dai, Oliver           1753  NZL HP  4.0  -B23 +W18 -B9  +W20 +B21 +W15
 7 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1923  NZL HP  3.5  +B15 -W14 +B25 +W16 =B9  -W4
 8 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1543  NZL NS  3.5  +B31 -W5  +B13 +W14 -B3  =W11
 9     Zhang, Boyuan         1327  NZL AC  3.5  -B5  +W31 +W6  +B22 =W7  -B2
10     Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1523  NZL AC  3.5  +W28 -B1  =W23 +B18 -W4  +B22
11     Hooton, Barry R       1547  NZL PT  3.5  +W29 -W4  -B15 +W17 +B25 =B8
12     Park-Tamati, Philli   1509  NZL AC  3.5  -B3  +W27 +B17 -W15 =B13 +W21
13     Yuan, Jacob           1290  NZL NP  3.5  -B2  +W26 -W8  +B27 =W12 +B25
14     Yu, Jeffrey           1431  NZL NS  3.0  +W30 +B7  -W22 -B8  +B23 -W5
15     Ashe, Michael         1303  NZL WE  3.0  -W7  +B28 +W11 +B12 -W2  -B6
16     Chen, Matthew         1396  NZL NS  3.0  -B4  +W20 +W24 -B7  =W22 =B19
17     Jayawickrama, P Y Su  1040  SRI HP  3.0  =B18 =W30 -W12 -B11 +W27 +B23
18     Ansell, David         1633  NZL AC  3.0  =W17 -B6  =B30 -W10 +B28 +W24
19     Xie, Felix            1552  NZL AC  3.0            +B31 =W23 +B24 =W16
20     Chen, Penghao (Jack)  1095  NZL NS  3.0  -W22 -B16 +W28 -B6  +W29 +B26
21     Wei, Jingbo           1719  NZL AC  2.5  +W27 +B24 -W1  =B5  -W6  -B12
22     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1653  NZL AC  2.5  +B20 -W3  +B14 -W9  =B16 -W10
23     Wang, Joe             1269  NZL AC  2.0  +W6  -W2  =B10 =B19 -W14 -W17
24     Zhu, David Junyang    1004  NZL     2.0  +W26 -W21 -B16 +B30 -W19 -B18
25     Aylett, Richard       1387  NZL NS  2.0  -W1  +B29 -W7  +B26 -W11 -W13
26     Cramp, Murray            0  NZL     2.0  -B24 -B13 +BYE -W25 +BYE -W20
27     Ma, Michael           1179  NZL     2.0  -B21 -B12 +W29 -W13 -B17 +W31
28     Chan, Yuke               0  NZL     1.5  -B10 -W15 -B20 +BYE -W18 =B29
29     Zhang, Ethan          1003  NZL NS  1.5  -B11 -W25 -B27 +W31 -B20 =W28
30     McNally, Ian     (W)  1554  NZL AC  1.0  -B14 =B17 =W18 -W24 -BYE
31     Oshri, Eden            832  NZL     1.0  -W8  -B9  -W19 -B29 +BYE -B27

2019 Bay of Plenty Rapid A

 1     Guerra, Romie Lord    1958  PHI     5.0  =W12 +B20 =W11 +B6  +W9  +W5
 2 FM  Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2140  NZL HP  4.5  +W13 +B10 =W4  +W3  -B5  +W8
 3     Capel, Evan Timothy   2166  MAS     4.5  +W15 +B17 +W6  -B2  +W10 =B4
 4 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2130  NZL AC  4.0  +W14 +B16 =B2  =W5  =B8  =W3
 5 IM  Dive, Russell John    2311  NZL WE  4.0  +W20 =B11 +W12 =B4  +W2  -B1
 6     Sipahioglu, Irmak     2135  TUR     4.0  +B18 +W8  -B3  -W1  +B17 +W10
 7     Hart, Ralph           2148  NZL NS  4.0  -B16 =B12 +W13 =W9  +B18 +W11
 8     Pinic, Noel           2062  NZL MM  3.5  +W21 -B6  +W16 +B11 =W4  -B2
 9 WFM Zhang, Jasmine Haomo  1696  NZL AC  3.5  -W10 +B14 +W15 =B7  -B1  +W17
10 CM  Huang, Alex           2074  NZL AC  3.0  +B9  -W2  +B19 +W17 -B3  -B6
11     Thornton, Giovanni A  2122  NZL NS  3.0  +B22 =W5  =B1  -W8  +W12 -B7
12 FM  Smith, Robert W       2170  NZL MC  3.0  =B1  =W7  -B5  +W16 -B11 +B15
13     Runcan, Daniel-Ioan   1874  ROU AC  3.0  -B2  -W19 -B7  +W22 +B21 +W20
14     Wright, Caleb         1820  NZL MM  3.0  -B4  -W9  -B21 +W19 +B22 +W18
15 CM  Bennett, Hilton       1917  NZL HA  2.5  -B3  +W22 -B9  +W21 =B16 -W12
16 CM  Marko, Helmut         1897  PNG MM  2.5  +W7  -W4  -B8  -B12 =W15 +B19
17     Polishchuk, Kirill    2083  NZL MM  2.0  +W19 -W3  +B18 -B10 -W6  -B9
18 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1862  NZL HP  2.0  -W6  +B21 -W17 +B20 -W7  -B14
19     Findlay, John         1749  NZL MM  1.5  -B17 +B13 -W10 -B14 =W20 -W16
20 CM  Milligan, Helen       1973  NZL NS  1.5  -B5  -W1  +B22 -W18 =B19 -B13
21     Vickers, Josia        1600  NZL MM  1.5  -B8  -W18 +W14 -B15 -W13 =B22
22     Lynn, William         1800  NZL HA  0.5  -W11 -B15 -W20 -B13 -W14 =W21

2019 Latvian A

 1 CM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2141  NZL  5.0  +B31 +W14 =B2  +W3  +B9  =W4
 2     Krstev, Antonio       1984  NZL  4.5  +W4  +B16 =W1  =B13 +W7  =B5
 3 FM  Smith, Robert W       2149  NZL  4.5  +W18 +B26 =W13 -B1  +W16 +W9
 4 FM  Kulashko, Alexei      2274  NZL  4.5  -B2  +W27 +B11 +W26 +B13 =B1
 5     Capel, Evan T         2187  MAS  4.5  +B27 =W11 +B25 =W9  +B15 =W2
 6     Hart, Ralph           2140  NZL  4.0  +W12 +B7  -B9  -W10 +B25 +W13
 7 FM  Lukey, Stephen G      2247  NZL  4.0  +B28 -W6  +B30 +W14 -B2  +W10
 8     Thornton, Giovanni A  2116  NZL  4.0  =B25 -W10 +B31 =W29 +B14 +W15
 9 IM  Garbett, Paul A       2192  NZL  3.5  +W19 +B22 +W6  =B5  -W1  -B3
10 FM  Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2165  NZL  3.5  -W22 +B8  =W21 +B6  +W11 -B7
11     Chan, Sheng Yip       2075  MAS  3.5  +W30 =B5  -W4  +B21 -B10 +W19
12 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1856  NZL  3.5  -B6  -W28 +B20 =W24 +W27 +B22
13     Fulo, Nunilon III     2070  PHI  3.0  +B23 +W15 =B3  =W2  -W4  -B6
14 IM  Dive, Russell J       2297  NZL  3.0  +W17 -B1  +W19 -B7  -W8  +B21
15 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2247  NZL  3.0  +W29 -B13 +W17 +B16 -W5  -B8
16     Russell, M K Athula   2152  SRI  3.0  +B20 -W2  +B28 -W15 -B3  +W25
17 CM  Fan, Allen Chi Zhou   2007  NZL  3.0  -B14 +W20 -B15 =W25 +B24 =W18
18     Runcan, Daniel-Ioan   1878  ROU  3.0  -B3  -W24 +B27 =W28 +B23 =B17
19     Mistry, Prashant      1927  NZL  3.0  -B9  +W23 -B14 +W30 +B29 -B11
20     Dare, Richard         1909  NZL  3.0  -W16 -B17 -W12 +BYE +B30 +W26
21     Goormachtigh, Lauren  1693  BEL  2.5  +B24 -W25 =B10 -W11 +B28 -W14
22 WFM Punsalan, Vyanla M    1920  NZL  2.5  +B10 -W9  -B29 =W23 +B26 -W12
23     Koestanto, Erwin      1783  INA  2.5  -W13 -B19 +BYE =B22 -W18 +W29
24     Metge, J. Nigel       2040  NZL  2.5  -W21 +B18 -W26 =B12 -W17 +B31
25 CM  Nagorski, Alex        1854  NZL  2.0  =W8  +B21 -W5  =B17 -W6  -B16
26     Vickers, Josia        1610  NZL  2.0  +BYE -W3  +B24 -B4  -W22 -B20
27     Giuliani, German      1925  ARG  2.0  -W5  -B4  -W18 +W31 -B12 +BYE
28     Goodhue, Nathan       1929  NZL  2.0  -W7  +B12 -W16 =B18 -W21 =B30
29 CM  Milligan, Helen       1934  NZL  2.0  -B15 =W31 +W22 =B8  -W19 -B23
30     Wright, Caleb         1817  NZL  1.5  -B11 +BYE -W7  -B19 -W20 =W28
31     Post, Martin J        1873  NZL  1.5  -W1  =B29 -W8  -B27 +BYE -W24

2019 Wellington Rapid

1  Wastney, Scott              2363 6     21:1  8:1 17:1  6:1  2:1  7:1
2  Ker, Anthony                2357 4.5   26:1 13:½  3:1  7:1  1:0  6:1
3  He, Paul                    1691 4.5   27:1 12:1  2:0 10:1 11:½ 13:1
4  He, Caleb                   1584 4.5   18:1 11:0 28:1 14:½  9:1 12:1
5  Darr, Samuel                1421 4.5   17:0 35:1 19:1 12:½ 25:1 11:1
6  Pomeroy, Arthur             1969 4     16:1 19:1 11:1  1:0 13:1  2:0
7  Winter, Ryan                1891 4     36:1 20:1 15:1  2:0 17:1  1:0
8  Sole, Michael               1853 4     31:1  1:0 23:1  9:0 22:1 18:1
9  Rafiq Ahmad Ridzuan, Amirul      4     20:0 36:1 21:1  8:1  4:0 19:1
10 Carroll, Lewis              1301 4     37:1 24:0 30:1  3:0 20:1 17:1
11 Tanoi, TE                   1926 3.5   32:1  4:1  6:0 18:1  3:½  5:0
12 Stone, Andrew               1942 3.5   22:1  3:0 24:1  5:½ 14:1  4:0
13 Benitez, Edgar              1816 3.5   28:1  2:½ 25:1 15:1  6:0  3:0
14 Forster, Bill               1944 3.5    0:   0:1 16:1  4:½ 12:0 25:1
15 Paul, David                 1962 3.5   23:1 30:1  7:0 13:0 16:½ 24:1
16 Gunawan, Geoffrey           1454 3.5    6:0 34:1 14:0 33:1 15:½ 29:1
17 Lyall, Gordon               1942 3      5:1 29:1  1:0 22:1  7:0 10:0
18 Odulio, Orlando                  3      4:0 32:1 20:1 11:0 21:1  8:0
19 Clouston, Bevan             1800 3     34:1  6:0  5:0 24:1 23:1  9:0
20 Farrington, Lawrence        1530 3      9:1  7:0 18:0 28:1 10:0 31:1
21 Ashe, Michael               1513 3      1:0 31:1  9:0 35:1 18:0 33:1
22 Guo, Benjamin               1313 3     12:0 27:1 29:1 17:0  8:0 30:1
23 List, Robert                1454 3     15:0 33:1  8:0 29:1 19:0 27:1
24 Burns, Guy                  1790 2.5   25:½ 10:1 12:0 19:0 27:1 15:0
25 Loke, Kayden                     2.5   24:½ 37:1 13:0 30:1  5:0 14:0
26 Van der Hoorn, Thomas       1500 2.5    2:0 28:0 34:1 27:0 33:½ 36:1
27 Mangera, Muhammad                2      3:0 22:0 32:1 26:1 24:0 23:0
28 Evans, Oliver               1149 2     13:0 26:1  4:0 20:0 29:0 34:1
29 Scott, David                1591 2     35:1 17:0 22:0 23:0 28:1 16:0
30 Webster, Jamie              1701 2     33:1 15:0 10:0 25:0 34:1 22:0
31 Li, Zac                     1175 2      8:0 21:0 33:0 36:1 35:1 20:0
32 Osborne, Geoff              1281 2     11:0 18:0 27:0 34:0 36:1 35:1
33 Mangera, Suhel                   1.5   30:0 23:0 31:1 16:0 26:½ 21:0
34 Clouston, Anthony           1088 1     19:0 16:0 26:0 32:1 30:0 28:0
35 Mangera, Aamena                  1     29:0  5:0 36:1 21:0 31:0 32:0
36 Kierstead, James            1179 0      7:0  9:0 35:0 31:0 32:0 26:0
37 Winfield, Alan              1937 0     10:0 25:0  0:   0:   0:   0:

2019 Oceania Zonal

 1 GM  Illingworth Max       2501  AUS  7.5  -B7  +W15 +B17 +W14 +B19 +W4  +B3  =W5  +W8
 2 FM  Press Shaun           1904  PNG  6.5  +B27 +W11 =B9  =W19 +B23 =B5  =W8  =W3  +B7
 3 CM  Ng Clive              2051  AUS  6.0  +B25 +W10 +B14 =W23 =B11 +W7  -W1  =B2  =B5
 4     Manuel Enofre Efren   1943  GUM  6.0  +B31 +W22 =B23 =W9  +B8  -B1  =W5  =W11 +B12
 5 CM  Duneas John           2086  NZL  6.0  +B17 =W19 =B7  +W13 +B9  =W2  =B4  =B1  =W3
 6     Briones Danilo           0  GUM  5.5  =BYE -B18 -W15 +W21 +B26 -B12 +W17 +W22 +B23
 7     Lacno Felix           1711  GUM  5.5  +W1  =B8  =W5  +B24 +W15 -B3  =B11 +W9  -W2
 8 FM  Fancy Stuart          1984  PNG  5.5  =BYE =W7  +B25 +B16 -W4  +W19 =B2  +W14 -B1
 9 CM  Prudente Elmer        2015  GUM  5.5  +W28 +B12 =W2  =B4  -W5  =W11 +B24 -B7  +W15
10     Soriano Rudolph P.    1812  GUM  5.5  +BYE -B3  -W13 +W27 =B25 +W18 =B23 +W19 =B11
11     Dowden R. Anthony     2097  NZL  5.5  +W13 -B2  +W32 +B12 =W3  =B9  =W7  =B4  =W10
12     Tirador Elias         1804  GUM  5.0  +B21 -W9  +B31 -W11 -B13 +W6  +B16 +W23 -W4
13     Santos Almer          1665  GUM  5.0  -B11 +W27 +B10 -B5  +W12 =W23 -B19 +W18 =B14
14 CM  Spiller Paul          1908  NZL  5.0  +W29 +B32 -W3  -B1  +W16 =B24 +W15 -B8  =W13
15 CM  Buciu Aurel-John      1758  AUS  4.5  =W18 -B1  +B6  +W17 -B7  +W25 -B14 +W24 -B9
16     Kumar Viney           1633  AUS  4.5  -B23 +W20 +B22 -W8  -B14 +B21 -W12 +W27 =B19
17     Paras Radcliffe       1653  GUM  4.5  -W5  +B29 -W1  -B15 =W20 +W26 -B6  +B28 +W24
18 CM  Orio Rogelio L.       1775  GUM  4.5  =B15 +W6  -B19 -W22 +W31 -B10 +W28 -B13 +W25
19 CM  Kempen Leon           1883  AUS  4.5  +W26 =B5  +W18 =B2  -W1  -B8  +W13 -B10 =W16
20     Estur Gavino Aguilar     0  GUM  4.5  -W24 -B16 +W29 -W25 =B17 =W31 +B30 +B21 =W22
21     Tuazon Marion Mikael     0  GUM  4.0  -W12 +B28 -W24 -B6  +B27 -W16 +B29 -W20 +B30
22     Mcfarland Malcolm     1781  GUM  4.0  +W30 -B4  -W16 +B18 -W24 =B28 +W25 -B6  =B20
23     Camer Angelito        2083  AUS  4.0  +W16 +B24 =W4  =B3  -W2  =B13 =W10 -B12 -W6
24 CM  Montel Jr Cyril Toma  1877  PLW  3.5  +B20 -W23 +B21 -W7  +B22 =W14 -W9  -B15 -B17
25     Gonzales Dennis       1622  PLW  3.5  -W3  +B26 -W8  +B20 =W10 -B15 -B22 +W29 -B18
26     Reklai Reece     (W)  1345  PLW  3.5  -B19 -W25 +W28 =B31 -W6  -B17 +BYE +W30
27     Ryan Leon R           1410  GUM  3.0  -W2  -B13 +W30 -B10 -W21 +BYE +B31 -B16 -W29
28     Whipps Ksau Antho(W)  1519  PLW  2.5  -B9  -W21 -B26 +W29 +B30 =W22 -B18 -W17
29     Hossain Mohammad Man  1480  PLW  2.0  -B14 -W17 -B20 -B28 +BYE -W30 -W21 -B25 +B27
30     Sarmiento Cyle           0  GUM  2.0  -B22 -W31 -B27 +BYE -W28 +B29 -W20 -B26 -W21
31     Dizon Remrel     (W)  1482  PLW  2.0  -W4  +B30 -W12 =W26 -B18 =B20 -W27
32     Cabunagan Tito   (W)  1717  PLW  1.0  +BYE -W14 -B11
33     Manibusan Melchor(W)     0  GUM  0.0  -BYE
34     Morton James Jr. (W)     0  GUM  0.0
35     Sison Brian      (W)     0  GUM  0.0
36     Sison Lester     (W)     0  GUM  0.0
37     Sosa Gian        (W)     0  GUM  0.0  -BYE

2019 Oceania Womens Zonal

                                                1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
 1 WGM Ryjanova Julia            2289  AUS 9.0  x  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 2     Stones Rebecca            1822  AUS 7.5  0  x  1  =  1  1  1  1  1  1
 3 WFM Punsalan Vyanla M         1951  NZL 7.0  0  0  x  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 4     Szekely Olga              1708  GUM 6.0  0  =  0  x  =  1  1  1  1  1
 5     Ollet Myra                1454  GUM 5.0  0  0  0  =  x  1  1  1  =  1
 6     Estur Grace Co               0  GUM 3.5  0  0  0  0  0  x  =  1  1  1
 7     Sisior Angelil            1439  PLW 3.0  0  0  0  0  0  =  x  =  1  1
 8 WFM Parrado Angelica          1554  PLW 2.5  0  0  0  0  0  0  =  x  1  1
 9     Sisior Destiny            1432  PLW 1.5  0  0  0  0  =  0  0  0  x  1
10     Whipps Kayah Iblai Flores 1083  PLW 0.0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  x

2019 George Trundle Masters

                                               1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
 1 FM Clarke, Brandon G I    2400  ENG    6.5  x  =  =  =  =  1  1  1  =  1
 2 FM Stojic, Dusan          2275  AUS    6.0  =  x  =  =  1  =  1  0  1  1
 3 GM Papin, Vasily          2491  RUS    6.0  =  =  x  1  0  =  1  =  +  1
 4 GM Johansen, Darryl K     2345  AUS    5.0  =  =  0  x  =  1  =  1  =  =
 5 IM Wohl, Aleksandar H.    2332  AUS    5.0  =  0  1  =  x  =  =  =  1  =
 6 IM Izzat, Kanan           2495  AZE    5.0  0  =  =  0  =  x  1  =  +  1
 7 IM Garbett, Paul Anthony  2160  NZL NS 3.5  0  0  0  =  =  0  x  1  1  =
 8 FM Watson, Bruce R        2278  NZL AC 3.5  0  1  =  0  =  =  0  x  =  =
 9 FM Hague, Ben             2411  NZL AC 2.5  =  0  -  =  0  -  0  =  x  1
10 FM Smith, Robert W        2233  NZL MC 2.0  0  0  0  =  =  0  =  =  0  x

2019 South Island Championships

 1 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2372  NZL  AC  7.5  +W30 +B17 +W4  +B8  +W3  +B6  -W2  =B7  +W9
 2 FM  Wastney, Scott        2426  NZL  WE  7.0  +B14 +W9  =B7  -W3  +B13 +W12 +B1  +W5  =B4
 3 FM  Duneas, John          2283  NZL  AC  6.5  +B20 =W11 +W5  +B2  -B1  +W16 =W8  =B4  +W7
 4     Thornton, Giovanni A  2204  NZL  NS  6.0  +B18 +W25 -B1  =W6  +B11 =W7  +B16 =W3  =W2
 5     Lee, Edward S         2099  NZL  WE  6.0  +B24 +W22 -B3  =W13 +B18 =BYE +W10 -B2  +W8
 6     McNabb, Matthew D     2209  NZL  CA  6.0  +W33 =B10 +W16 =B4  +W8  -W1  -B7  +B19 +W12
 7 FM  Smith, Robert W       2305  NZL  MC  5.5  +W23 +B15 =W2  =B10 =W9  =B4  +W6  =W1  -B3
 8     Capel, Evan T         2350  MAS      5.5  +B21 +W13 +B12 -W1  -B6  +W20 =B3  +W15 -B5
 9     Sipahioglu, Irmak     2037  TUR      5.5  +W31 -B2  +W23 +B26 =B7  =W14 =B12 +W11 -B1
10     Xie, Felix            1926  NZL  AC  5.5  +B35 =W6  +B11 =W7  -B12 +W17 -B5  +W20 =B15
11     Christie, Richie      1962  NZL  CA  5.5  +W28 =B3  -W10 +B27 -W4  +B21 +W24 -B9  +W16
12 CM  Rains, Edward         2142  NZL  CA  5.0  +W27 +B26 -W8  +B15 +W10 -B2  =W9  =B13 -B6
13 CM  Marko, Helmut S       1970  PNG  MM  5.0  +W19 -B8  +W33 =B5  -W2  =B26 +W23 =W12 =B14
14 CM  Korenevski, Oleg      1859  AUS      5.0  -W2  -B16 +W28 +B31 +W19 =B9  -W15 +B24 =W13
15     Jackson, L Ross       1964  NZL  WE  5.0  +B36 -W7  +B24 -W12 =B21 +W18 +B14 -B8  =W10
16     Kay, Peter            1877  NZL  CA  4.5  =BYE +W14 -B6  +W32 +B17 -B3  -W4  +W18 -B11
17 CM  Rains, Timothy        1994  NZL  CA  4.5  +B32 -W1  =B18 +W22 -W16 -B10 +W30 =B21 =B20
18 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1696  NZL  NS  4.5  -W4  +B28 =W17 +B23 -W5  -B15 +W27 -B16 +W30
19     Zhang, Kendrick       1617  NZL  NS  4.5  -B13 +W20 =B22 =W25 -B14 +B36 +W26 -W6  =B23
20     Weng, Xintong (Winst  1714  NZL  AC  4.5  -W3  -B19 +W35 +B34 +W33 -B8  +W22 -B10 =W17
21     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1833  NZL  AC  4.5  -W8  =B31 =W30 +B37 =W15 -W11 +B25 =W17 =B22
22     Dolejs, Dan           1872  NZL  NE  4.5  +W34 -B5  =W19 -B17 =BYE +W31 -B20 +B27 =W21
23     Black, Ross           1749  NZL  CA  4.5  -B7  +W36 -B9  -W18 +B29 +W32 -B13 +B26 =W19
24     Taylor, Stephen       1661  NZL  AS  4.5  -W5  +B29 -W15 =B33 +W36 +W25 -B11 -W14 +B32
25     Hothersall, Rik       1923  NZL  CA  4.0  +W29 -B4  =W27 =B19 =W26 -B24 -W21 +B32 =W28
26     Gold, Hamish R        1909  NZL  OT  4.0  +B37 -W12 +B34 -W9  =B25 =W13 -B19 -W23 +BYE
27     Ashe, Michael         1662  NZL  WE  4.0  -B12 +W37 =B25 -W11 =B32 +W34 -B18 -W22 +B31
28 WCM Lourenco, Eva         1386  NZL  NS  4.0  -B11 -W18 -B14 +B35 =W30 =W37 =B31 +W36 =B25
29     Lee, Dylan E S         765  NZL  WE  4.0  -B25 -W24 -B36 +BYE -W23 =BYE +B33 =W31 +B34
30     Brockway, Andrew      1836  NZL  WE  3.5  -B1  -W32 =B21 =W36 =B28 +W33 -B17 +W35 -B18
31     Smith, Tamati         1628  NZL  CA  3.0  -B9  =W21 =B32 -W14 +W37 -B22 =W28 =B29 -W27
32     Clarkson, Robert D    1624  NZL  OT  3.0  -W17 +B30 =W31 -B16 =W27 -B23 +B34 -W25 -W24
33     Scarf, Rex            1698  NZL  AS  3.0  -B6  +W35 -B13 =W24 -B20 -B30 -W29 +BYE =W37
34     Lane, Richard          500  NZL      3.0  -B22 +BYE -W26 -W20 +B35 -B27 -W32 +B37 -W29
35     Anikonov, Artem       1357  RUS  CA  3.0  -W10 -B33 -B20 -W28 -W34 +BYE +B37 -B30 +W36
36     Keeling, Roy L        1604  NZL  AS  2.5  -W15 -B23 +W29 =B30 -B24 -W19 +BYE -B28 -B35
37     Goddard, Sebastian     586  NZL      2.0  -W26 -B27 +BYE -W21 -B31 =B28 -W35 -W34 =B33

2019 South Island Rapid Championship

 1  Christie, Richie         1939  NZL  4.5  +B11 +W4  +B8  +W5  =B2  -W3
 2  Summers, Paul            1679  AUS  4.5  -B4  +W11 +W3  +B9  =W1  +B7
 3  McNabb, Matthew D        2036  NZL  4.0  +B5  -W8  -B2  +W10 +B4  +B1
 4  Hart, Ralph              2252  NZL  4.0  +W2  -B1  +W7  +B6  -W3  +B9
 5  Masters, Andrew          1669  SCO  4.0  -W3  +B10 +W9  -B1  +W7  +B12
 6  Anikonov, Artem          1300  RUS  4.0  -B7  +W12 +B11 -W4  +B10 +W8
 7  Weegenaar, David P       2001  NZL  3.0  +W6  +B9  -B4  +W8  -B5  -W2
 8  Rivas Villanueva, An     1798  CHI  3.0  +W10 +B3  -W1  -B7  +W12 -B6
 9  Kay, Peter               1727  NZL  2.0  +B12 -W7  -B5  -W2  +B11 -W4
10  Goddard, Sebastian       1200  NZL  2.0  -B8  -W5  +B12 -B3  -W6  +W11
11  Joseph, Ritika           1227  NZL  1.0  -W1  -B2  -W6  +B12 -W9  -B10
12  Li, Alex                 1100  NZL  0.0  -W9  -B6  -W10 -W11 -B8  -W5

2019 Merv Morrison Memorial

 1 IM  McClymont, Brodie      2332  AUS      5.5  +W27 =B6  +W21 +B34 +W7  +W2
 2 IM  Garbett, Paul Anthon   2172  NZL  NS  5.0  +B36 +W18 +B8  +W4  +W3  -B1
 3     Capel, Evan Timothy    2183  MAS      5.0  +BYE +W20 +B35 +W5  -B2  +W11
 4 FM  Steadman, Michael V    2199  NZL  AC  5.0  +W22 +B21 +W9  -B2  +W10 +B8
 5 FM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er   2165  NZL  AC  4.5  +W31 +B12 +W23 -B3  +W9  =B7
 6 CM  Lim, Benjamin U        1889  NZL  HP  4.5  +B32 =W1  =B25 =W19 +B18 +W16
 7 FM  McLaren, Leonard       2179  NZL  HP  4.0  +W15 +B39 =W34 +B16 -B1  =W5
 8     Metge, J. Nigel        1928  NZL  PT  4.0  +W30 +B26 -W2  +B14 +BYE -W4
 9 CM  Cilia Vincenti, Davi   2063  MLT  WE  4.0  +B38 +W19 -B4  +W25 -B5  +W17
10     Mistry, Prashant       1878  NZL  NS  4.0  +W45 -B23 +W22 +B13 -B4  +W25
11 CM  Nagorski, Alex         1859  NZL  AC  4.0  +B43 +W15 +B27 +W34 -B3
12     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth   1624  NZL  AC  4.0  +B53 -W5  +B30 =W35 =W24 +B27
13     Holdo, Karl            1580  NZL  AC  4.0  +B51 -W16 +B49 -W10 +B30 +B24
14     Le Grange, Rauen       1609  RSA      4.0  +B47 -W35 +B41 -W8  +B31 +W29
15     Burrows, Grant L       1482  NZL  AC  4.0  -B7  +W53 -B11 +W49 +W39 +B26
16 FM  Gibbons, Robert        1896  NZL  PT  3.5  +W43 +B13 =W24 -W7  +B19 -B6
17     Tang, Hao              1590  NZL  HP  3.5  +W40 =B28 +W48 +B35 -B9
18     Ning, Isabelle Yixua   1617  NZL  AC  3.5  +W44 -B2  +W32 =B24 -W6  +W35
19     Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan    1582  NZL  AC  3.5  +W52 -B9  +W44 =B6  -W16 +B34
20     Lyall, Simon           1673  NZL  AC  3.5  +W28 -B3  +W31 -B23 =W26 +B37
21 CM  Buciu, Aurel-John      1728  AUS      3.5  +B37 -W4  -B1  +W43 =B22 +W38
22     Deng, Abraham          1544  NZL  AC  3.5  -B4  +W37 -B10 +W32 =W21 +B42
23 FM  Konaplev, Anton  (W)   2293  RUS      3.0  +B29 +W10 -B5  +W20 -BYE
24     Fruehauf, Norbert      1953  AUT      3.0  +B46 =W25 =B16 =W18 =B12 -W13
25     Zhang, Boyuan          1566  NZL  AC  3.0  +W50 =B24 =W6  -B9  +W40 -B10
26 WCM Braganza, Nadia        1584  NZL  NS  3.0  +B49 -W8  =B48 +W36 =B20 -W15
27     Mao, Daqi              1549  NZL  HP  3.0  -B1  +W45 +B50 -W11 +B28 -W12
28     Madhav, Aanand            0  NZL      3.0  -B20 +W29 =W17 =B39 -W27 +B43
29     Park-Tamati, Philli    1548  NZL  AC  3.0  -W23 -B28 +W40 +B33 +W42 -B14
30     Barry, Jacob           1191  NZL  AC  3.0  -B8  +W51 -W12 +B44 -W13 +B40
31     Ashe, Michael          1475  NZL  WE  3.0  -B5  +W47 -B20 +W51 -W14 +B45
32     Zhu, David Junyang     1100  NZL  AC  3.0  -W6  +BYE -B18 -B22 +W52 +W39
33     Gan, Emily                0  NZL  NS  3.0  -B39 -W36 +B46 -W29 +B50 +W41
34     Dare, Richard          1926  NZL  HA  2.5  +B41 +W48 =B7  -W1  -B11 -W19
35     Spiesberger, Gerhard   2052  AUT      2.5  +W42 +B14 -W3  =B12 -W17 -B18
36     Hooton, Barry R        1479  NZL  PT  2.5  -W2  +B33 =W39 -B26 -W37 +B48
37     Kim, Eddie                0  NZL  NS  2.5  -W21 -B22 =B38 +W53 +B36 -W20
38     Chen, Matthew          1336  NZL  NS  2.5  -W9  -B44 =W37 +B52 +W48 -B21
39     Crombie, William       1638  NZL  HA  2.0  +W33 -W7  =B36 =W28 -B15 -B32
40     Tang, Tracy               0  NZL      2.0  -B17 +W46 -B29 +W41 -B25 -W30
41     Xiao, Lucas            1179  NZL  HP  2.0  -W34 +B52 -W14 -B40 +W44 -B33
42     Chang, Yolanda         1326  NZL  HP  2.0  -B35 -W49 +B53 +W50 -B29 -W22
43     Chen, Penghao (Jack)   1130  NZL  NS  2.0  -B16 -W11 +B47 -B21 +BYE -W28
44     Yang, Jerry               0  NZL  NS  2.0  -B18 +W38 -B19 -W30 -B41 +W51
45     Cai, Vincent           1052  NZL  AC  2.0  -B10 -B27 -W52 +W47 +B51 -W31
46     Al-Afaghani, Baraa     1265  NZL      2.0  -W24 -B40 -W33 +B53 +B52
47     Cramp, Murray             0  NZL      2.0  -W14 -B31 -W43 -B45 +BYE +W50
48     Saheb, Saahir             0  NZL      1.5  +W55 -B34 =W26 -B17 -B38 -W36
49     Bainov, Leo Noel (W)      0  NZL      1.0  -W26 +B42 -W13 -B15 -BYE
50     Rehansi, D P Sayuni       0  NZL      1.0  -B25 +BYE -W27 -B42 -W33 -B47
51     Hou, Shuxin Sandra        0  NZL      1.0  -W13 -B30 +BYE -B31 -W45 -B44
52     Dissanayake, W D Sri      0  NZL      1.0  -B19 -W41 +B45 -W38 -B32 -W46
53     Oshri, Eden               0  NZL  AC  1.0  -W12 -B15 -W42 -B37 -W46 +BYE
54     Wei, Jingbo      (W)   1528  NZL  AC  0.0  -BYE
55     Stradiotto, Angel(W)   1661  ITA      0.0  -B48 -BYE

2019 New Zealand and Oceania Senior Championship

 1 IM  Sandler, Leonid        2208  AUS  5.0  +B21 +W12 +B3  =W4  =B2  +W5
 2 FM  Steadman, Michael V    2283  NZL  5.0  +W11 +B13 +W5  +B7  =W1  =B4
 3 IM  Garbett, Paul A        2190  NZL  4.5  +W9  +B14 -W1  +B8  =B4  +W7
 4 FM  Smith, Robert W        2171  NZL  4.5  +W20 +B18 +W6  =B1  =W3  =W2
 5 FM  McLaren, Leonard J     2173  NZL  4.0  +B17 +W8  -B2  +W11 +B10 -B1
 6     Patterson, Miles       1938  AUS  4.0  +B15 =W7  -B4  +W12 +B14 =W10
 7     Mukkattu, Philip       1487  NZL  3.5  +BYE =B6  +W13 -W2  +B11 -B3
 8 CM  Lim, Benjamin U        1869  NZL  3.5  +W23 -B5  +W18 -W3  +B15 =B9
 9 CM  Eade, Don              1747  NZL  3.5  -B3  +W19 =B12 =W21 +B18 =W8
10     Metge, J Nigel         1918  NZL  3.5  -W18 +B20 +W22 +B17 -W5  =B6
11 CM  Taylor, Richard        1815  NZL  3.0  -B2  +W15 +W16 -B5  -W7  +B19
12 CM  Bennett, Hilton P      1923  NZL  3.0  +W22 -B1  =W9  -B6  +W21 =W13
13 FM  Gibbons, Robert E      1918  NZL  3.0  +B19 -W2  -B7  +W16 =W17 =B12
14 CM  Yee, Stanley           1900  NZL  3.0  +B16 -W3  -B17 +W19 -W6  +B23
15     Winfield, Alan W       1691  NZL  3.0  -W6  -B11 +W20 +B22 -W8  +B17
16     List, Robert           1564  NZL  3.0  -W14 +BYE -B11 -B13 +W22 +W18
17     Benson, James          1745  NZL  2.5  -W5  +B23 +W14 -W10 =B13 -W15
18     Cooper, Nigel          1585  NZL  2.0  +B10 -W4  -B8  +W20 -W9  -B16
19     Booth, Anthony J       1626  NZL  2.0  -W13 -B9  +BYE -B14 +W23 -W11
20 CM  Buciu, Aurel-John      1715  AUS  2.0  -B4  -W10 -B15 -B18 +BYE +W22
21     Lynn, K William  (W)   1772  NZL  1.5  -W1  -B22 +W23 =B9  -B12
22     Hackney, Leyton        1640  NZL  1.0  -B12 +W21 -B10 -W15 -B16 -B20
23     Hooton, Barry R        1526  NZL  1.0  -B8  -W17 -B21 +BYE -B19 -W14

2019 North Island Rapid Championship

 1 FM  Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2167  NZL  HP  5.5  +W28 +B13 +W35 +B4  +W5  =B2
 2     Capel, Evan Timothy   2195  MAS      5.5  +B36 +W20 +B24 +W8  +B3  =W1
 3     Thornton, Giovanni A  2106  NZL  NS  5.0  +W23 +B21 +W11 +B10 -W2  +B9
 4 IM  Garbett, Paul Anthon  2210  NZL  NS  5.0  +B39 +W27 +B16 -W1  +B13 +W8
 5 FM  Ang, Alphaeus Wei Er  2208  NZL  AC  4.5  +W37 =B12 +W22 +B6  -B1  +W16
 6     Runcan, Daniel-Ioan   1871  ROU  AC  4.5  +W47 +B7  =W10 -W5  +B36 +W24
 7     Park-Tamati, Philli   1533  NZL  AC  4.5  +B53 -W6  +B52 +W27 +W14 =B11
 8 FM  Steadman, Michael V   2237  NZL  AC  4.0  +W42 +B14 +W9  -B2  +W12 -B4
 9     Krstev, Antonio       2043  NZL  NS  4.0  +B31 +W25 -B8  +W29 +B17 -W3
10 CM  Wheeler, Bruce        2122  NZL  AC  4.0  +B34 +W19 =B6  -W3  +B20 =W15
11     Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1546  NZL  AC  4.0  +B51 +W22 -B3  +W18 =B16 =W7
12 CM  Nagorski, Alex        1802  NZL  AC  4.0  +B15 =W5  =B18 +W25 -B8  +W26
13 CM  Meng, Richard         1737  NZL  NS  4.0  +B40 -W1  +B31 +W26 -W4  +B28
14 CM  Lim, Benjamin U       1860  NZL  HP  4.0  +B43 -W8  +B34 +W19 -B7  +W25
15     Deng, Abraham         1283  NZL  AC  4.0  -W12 =B37 +W47 +W39 +B35 =B10
16     Li, Shenyue           1978  CHN      3.5  +W41 +B17 -W4  +B21 =W11 -B5
17 CM  Eade, Don             1667  NZL  AC  3.5  +B48 -W16 +B43 +W24 -W9  =B22
18     Perrin, Brent         1804  ENG      3.5  =W38 +B30 =W12 -B11 +W37 =B19
19     Le Grange, Rauen      1651  RSA  WT  3.5  +W46 -B10 +W33 -B14 +W41 =W18
20     Lyall, Simon          1685  NZL  AC  3.5  +W50 -B2  +W41 =B35 -W10 +B38
21     Peak, Stephen         1686  NZL  AC  3.5  +B55 -W3  +B32 -W16 =B31 +W36
22     Metge, J. Nigel       1915  NZL  PT  3.5  +W33 -B11 -B5  +W43 +B32 =W17
23     Chen, Matthew         1443  NZL  NS  3.5  -B3  +W55 -B29 +W40 =B27 +W35
24 FM  Gibbons, Robert       1932  NZL  PT  3.0  +B49 +W26 -W2  -B17 +W42 -B6
25     McDougall, Wayne      1543  NZL  AC  3.0  +W45 -B9  +W30 -B12 +W33 -B14
26     Weng, Xintong (Winst  1531  NZL  AC  3.0  +W54 -B24 +W45 -B13 +W30 -B12
27     Lynn, William         1763  NZL  HA  3.0  +W44 -B4  +W28 -B7  =W23 =B31
28     Mudaliar, Rohit       1455  NZL      3.0  -B1  +W40 -B27 +W53 +B29 -W13
29     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1724  NZL  AC  3.0  -W30 +B38 +W23 -B9  -W28 +B44
30     Madhav, Aanand        1233  NZL      3.0  +B29 -W18 -B25 +W34 -B26 +B41
31     Gothorp, Thomas       1397  NZL  MM  3.0  -W9  +B46 -W13 +B45 =W21 =W27
32     Chang, Yolanda        1364  NZL  AC  3.0  -W35 +B54 -W21 +B46 -W22 +B42
33 WCM Lourenco, Eva         1382  NZL  NS  3.0  -B22 +W51 -B19 +W52 -B25 +W46
34     Ning, Isabelle Yixua  1451  NZL  AC  3.0  -W10 +B50 -W14 -B30 +B39 +W48
35     Mistry, Prashant      1911  NZL  NS  2.5  +B32 +W52 -B1  =W20 -W15 -B23
36     Burrows, Grant L      1469  NZL  AC  2.5  -W2  +B44 +W53 =B37 -W6  -B21
37     Zhang, Kendrick Boto  1515  NZL  NS  2.5  -B5  =W15 +B49 =W36 -B18 =B40
38     Al-Afaghani, Baraa    1306  NZL      2.5  =B18 -W29 -B39 +B47 +W43 -W20
39 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1526  NZL  NS  2.5  -W4  =B47 +W38 -B15 -W34 +B51
40     Zhu, David Junyang    1252  NZL      2.5  -W13 -B28 +W50 -B23 +B53 =W37
41     Smith, Scott R        1396  NZL  PT  2.0  -B16 +W48 -B20 +W54 -B19 -W30
42     Hooton, Barry R       1531  NZL  PT  2.0  -B8  -W43 +B48 +W44 -B24 -W32
43     Coates, Alex          1322  NZL      2.0  -W14 +B42 -W17 -B22 -B38 +W53
44     Zhang, Tim            1273  NZL  NS  2.0  -B27 -W36 +B51 -B42 +W45 -W29
45     Zhou, Peter            672  NZL  NS  2.0  -B25 +W49 -B26 -W31 -B44 +W52
46     Zhai, Philbert         869  NZL  AC  2.0  -B19 -W31 +B55 -W32 +B52 -B33
47     Zhang, Ethan          1338  NZL  NS  2.0  -B6  =W39 -B15 -W38 +B55 =W49
48     Maldeni, Raveen Lakm  1117  NZL      2.0  -W17 -B41 -W42 +W55 +B54 -B34
49     McDougall, Sylvia     1390  NZL  AC  2.0  -W24 -B45 -W37 +B50 =W51 =B47
50     Gan, Emily            1150  NZL  NS  2.0  -B20 -W34 -B40 -W49 +BYE +B54
51     Al-Afaghani, Anas      705  NZL      1.5  -W11 -B33 -W44 +BYE =B49 -W39
52     Wang, Justin             0  NZL      1.0  +BYE -B35 -W7  -B33 -W46 -B45
53     Chang, Orlando         567  NZL  HP  1.0  -W7  +BYE -B36 -B28 -W40 -B43
54     Somaraju, Sai Vivan    256  NZL      1.0  -B26 -W32 +BYE -B41 -W48 -W50
55     Powell, Brian         1182  NZL      1.0  -W21 -B23 -W46 -B48 -W47 +BYE

2019 Peter Stuart Memorial Training Tourney Group A

 1    Jin, Owen             1527  NZL  AC  3.5  +B9  =W5  +B4  +B2
 2    Mao, Daqi             1171  NZL  SU  3.0  +W8  +B12 +B7  -W1
 3    Jain, Uday            1413  NZL  AC  3.0  +B10 -W4  +B9  +W7
 4    Ning, Isabelle Yixua  1528  NZL  AC  2.5  +W14 +B3  -W1  =B5
 5    Kulchayodom, Pridiya  1355  THA  NS  2.5  +W11 =B1  =W8  =W4
 6    Chen, Matthew         1414  NZL  NS  2.5  +W13 -W7  +B10 =B8
 7    Johns, Daniel P       1897  NZL  NS  2.0  +W12 +B6  -W2  -B3
 8    Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1614  NZL  AC  2.0  -B2  +W13 =B5  =W6
 9    Zhang, Ethan          1068  NZL  NS  2.0  -W1  +B11 -W3  +B12
10    Zhao, Oliver           461  NZL  HP  1.5  -W3  +B14 -W6  =B11
11    Wong, Maximilian         0  NZL  NS  1.5  -B5  -W9  +BYE =W10
12    Aylett, Richard       1344  NZL  NS  1.0  -B7  -W2  +B13 -W9
13    Xiao, Harrison D       796  NZL  NS  0.5  -B6  -B8  -W12 =W14
14    Xu, Nicholas          1074  NZL  AC  0.5  -B4  -W10 -BYE =B13

2019 Peter Stuart Memorial Training Tourney Group B

 1    Zhang, Kendrick       1489  NZL  NS  4.0  +B8  +W9  +B2  +W4
 2 CM Meng, Richard         1846  NZL  NS  3.0  +W10 +B5  -W1  +B6
 3    Park-Tamati, Philli   1586  NZL  AC  3.0  -B6  +W13 +B9  +W7
 4    Li, Andrew            1570  NZL  NS  2.5  +W12 +B7  =W6  -B1
 5    Xiao, Lucas           1392  NZL  HP  2.5  +W13 -W2  +B12 =W9
 6    Kim, Eddie            1087  NZL  NS  2.0  +W3  =B10 =B4  -W2
 7    Ravi, Narasimhan Lak  1365  NZL  AC  2.0  +B14 -W4  +BYE -B3
 8    Tang, Tracy            745  NZL  AC  2.0  -W1  -B11 +W10 +B13
 9    Thurner, Anya         1242  NZL  AC  1.5  +W11 -B1  -W3  =B5
10    Zhu, David Junyang    1126  NZL  NS  1.5  -B2  =W6  -B8  +W12
11    Tepaki, Tetoki   (W)     0  NZL      1.0  -B9  +W8  -BYE
12    Gan, Emily             989  NZL  NS  1.0  -B4  +W14 -W5  -B10
13    Bravo, Sebastian         0  NZL  NS  1.0  -B5  -B3  +W14 -W8
14    Hu, Antony               0  NZL  NS  1.0  -W7  -B12 -B13 +BYE

2019 Peter Stuart Memorial Training Tourney Group C

 1 CM Picken, Oliver        1752  NZL  PT  4.0  +B7  +W3  +B4  +W2
 2    Zhang, Boyuan         1469  NZL  AC  3.0  +B9  +W11 +B5  -B1
 3    Yu, Jeffrey           1437  NZL  NS  3.0  +W10 -B1  +W12 +B6
 4    Tang, Hao             1765  NZL  SU  2.5  +W13 +B6  -W1  =B7
 5    Li, Allen             1570  NZL  NS  2.5  =W8  +B13 -W2  +B12
 6    Williamson, Nathanie  1355  NZL  NS  2.0  +B12 -W4  +B11 -W3
 7    Zhao, Brian           1193  NZL  SU  2.0  -W1  +B8  =W10 =W4
 8    Zhang, Yaoyuan        1114  NZL  NS  2.0  =B5  -W7  =B9  +W11
 9    Chen, Penghao (Jack)  1082  NZL  NS  2.0  -W2  =B10 =W8  +BYE
10    Zhang, Tim             886  NZL  NS  2.0  -B3  =W9  =B7  +W13
11    Mankelow, Daniel         0  NZL  NS  1.0  +BYE -B2  -W6  -B8
12    Yang, Jerry            864  NZL  NS  1.0  -W6  +BYE -B3  -W5
13    Shen Su, Kevin        1229  NZL  NS  1.0  -B4  -W5  +BYE -B10

2019 Summit Rapid Championships Open

 1  IM Garbett, Paul A       2185  NZL  5.0  +B15 +W14 =W2  +B3  =B4  +W5
 2  FM Steadman, Michael V   2221  NZL  4.5  +B17 +W8  =B1  +W9  -B5  +W11
 3  FM Gong, Daniel Hanwen   2151  NZL  4.5  +B23 +W6  +B5  -W1  =B8  +W9
 4  FM Smith, Robert W       2163  NZL  4.5  =W10 +B16 =W7  +B19 =W1  +B8
 5     Capel, Evan T         2197  MAS  4.0  +W24 +B12 -W3  +B6  +W2  -B1
 6     Xie, Felix            1585  NZL  4.0  +B11 -B3  +W12 -W5  +B18 +B13
 7     Chan, Sheng Yip       2087  MAS  4.0  +B19 =W9  =B4  -W8  +B15 +W12
 8  FM Duneas, John          1992  NZL  3.5  +W18 -B2  +W15 +B7  =W3  -W4
 9  FM Hague, Ben            2347  NZL  3.5  +W22 =B7  +W13 -B2  +W10 -B3
10     Koestanto, Erwin      1784  INA  3.5  =B4  -W13 +B20 +W17 -B9  +W14
11     Thornton, Giovanni A  2129  NZL  3.5  -W6  =B23 +W16 +B14 +W13 -B2
12  FM Fan, Allen Chi Zhou   1991  NZL  3.0  +B20 -W5  -B6  +W22 +W19 -B7
13     Metge, J Nigel        1940  NZL  2.5  =W16 +B10 -B9  +W18 -B11 -W6
14     Mistry, Prashant      1939  NZL  2.5  +B21 -B1  =W18 -W11 +B16 -B10
15     Wright, Caleb         1800  NZL  2.5  -W1  +B21 -B8  +W23 -W7  =B17
16     Zhang, Kendrick       1488  NZL  2.5  =B13 -W4  -B11 +W20 -W14 +B19
17  CM Lim, Benjamin U       1883  NZL  2.5  -W2  -B18 +W21 -B10 +W22 =W15
18     Qin, Oscar Shu Xuan   1534  NZL  2.0  -B8  +W17 =B14 -B13 -W6  =W21
19     Wang, Aaron Ziwen     1574  NZL  2.0  -W7  +B22 +W24 -W4  -B12 -W16
20     Weng, Xintong (Winst  1497  NZL  2.0  -W12 =B24 -W10 -B16 =B21 +W23
21     Chen, Matthew         1424  NZL  2.0  -W14 -W15 -B17 +B24 =W20 =B18
22     Runcan, Daniel-Ioan   1906  ROU  1.5  -B9  -W19 +W23 -B12 -B17 =W24
23     Vickers, Josia        1619  NZL  1.5  -W3  =W11 -B22 -B15 +W24 -B20
24  CM Nagorski, Alex        1862  NZL  1.0  -B5  =W20 -B19 -W21 -B23 =B22

2019 Summit Rapid U1800

 1     Park-Tamati, Philli   1510  NZL  5.5  +W43 +B13 =W6  +B12 +W4  +W8
 2     Aman, Chahal          1746  IND  5.0  +W10 +B38 +W7  -W8  +B9  +B6
 3     Le Grange, Rauen         0  RSA  5.0  +W41 -B7  +W44 +B15 +W24 +B11
 4     Membrere, Briene         0  NZL  4.5  +W44 =B25 +B16 +W5  -B1  +W10
 5     Cruden, Neil          1798  NZL  4.5  +W29 +B11 =W12 -B4  +W17 +B16
 6     Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth  1726  NZL  4.5  +B36 +W35 =B1  +W17 +B8  -W2
 7     Tang, Hao             1435  NZL  4.0  +B23 +W3  -B2  +W35 -B10 +W21
 8  CM Eade, Don             1673  NZL  4.0  +B33 +W37 +W18 +B2  -W6  -B1
 9     Kichavadi, Tejasvi    1332  NZL  4.0  +B30 =W15 =B19 +W22 -W2  +B24
10     Al-Afaghani, Baraa    1290  NZL  4.0  -B2  +W39 +B40 +W23 +W7  -B4
11     Zhang, Boyuan         1410  NZL  4.0  +W39 -W5  +B20 +B18 +W21 -W3
12     List, Robert          1523  NZL  4.0  +B45 +W20 =B5  -W1  =B19 +W18
13     Willoughby-Ansell, X     0  NZL  4.0  +B22 -W1  -B36 +W42 +B29 +W19
14     Mukkattu, Philip      1708  NZL  4.0  +W26 -B18 -B17 +W37 +B35 +W22
15     Jacobs, Hilton        1666  NZL  3.5  +W34 =B9  -W21 -W3  +B41 +B23
16 WCM Braganza, Nadia       1526  NZL  3.5  +W32 =B21 -W4  +B31 +B38 -W5
17     Kim, Eddie            1303  NZL  3.0  =W25 +B31 +W14 -B6  -B5  =W26
18     Mao, Daqi             1246  NZL  3.0  +BYE +W14 -B8  -W11 +B30 -B12
19     Uta'i, Roy            1583  NZL  3.0  =W31 +B27 =W9  =B21 =W12 -B13
20     Zhao, Jay Zi Xuan     1125  NZL  3.0  +W24 -B12 -W11 +B28 -B22 +W38
21     Liu, Ethan Yichen     1081  NZL  3.0  +B42 =W16 +B15 =W19 -B11 -B7
22     Guan, John            1340  NZL  3.0  -W13 +B43 +W26 -B9  +W20 -B14
23     Xu, Nicholas           986  NZL  3.0  -W7  +B29 +W38 -B10 +B36 -W15
24     Mudaliar, Rohit       1481  NZL  3.0  -B20 +W33 +B37 +W36 -B3  -W9
25     Brimble, Mark T       1758  NZL  3.0  =B17 =W4  -B35 -W29 +W31 +B37
26     Xiao, Lucas           1270  NZL  3.0  -B14 +W30 -B22 =W41 +B40 =B17
27     Hooton, Barry R       1559  NZL  3.0  -B35 -W19 -B32 +W45 +B43 +W36
28     Patel, Rishit         1508  NZL  3.0  -B37 -W36 +B45 -W20 +B39 +W40
29     Yu, Zachary           1321  NZL  2.5  -B5  -W23 +B39 +B25 -W13 =W30
30     Gao, Hugh Zihuai      1482  NZL  2.5  -W9  -B26 +W34 +B32 -W18 =B29
31     Zhu, David Junyang    1236  NZL  2.5  =B19 -W17 +B42 -W16 -B25 +W41
32     Weng, Allen           1223  NZL  2.5  -B16 -B41 +W27 -W30 =B33 +W43
33     Zhang, Tim            1270  NZL  2.5  -W8  -B24 -W43 +B34 =W32 +B42
34     McRae, John           1259  NZL  2.5  -B15 =W42 -B30 -W33 +B45 +W35
35     Lu, Charles           1234  NZL  2.0  +W27 -B6  +W25 -B7  -W14 -B34
36     Yuan, Jacob           1278  NZL  2.0  -W6  +B28 +W13 -B24 -W23 -B27
37     Gan, Emily            1139  NZL  2.0  +W28 -B8  -W24 -B14 +BYE -W25
38     Ravi, Narasimhan Lak  1371  NZL  2.0  +W40 -W2  -B23 +B43 -W16 -B20
39     Dissanayake, W D Sri     0  NZL  2.0  -B11 -B10 -W29 +BYE -W28 +B44
40     Maldeni, Raveen Lakm     0  NZL  2.0  -B38 +BYE -W10 +B44 -W26 -B28
41     Gong, Jie             1386  NZL  1.5  -B3  +W32 =B26 -W15 -B31
42     Gothorp, Thomas       1450  NZL  1.5  -W21 =B34 -W31 -B13 +BYE -W33
43     Oshri, Eden           1153  NZL  1.0  -B1  -W22 +B33 -W38 -W27 -B32
44     Jadhav Pratik         1348  IND  1.0  -B4  +W45 -B3  -W40 -BYE -W39
45     Powell, Brian         1204  NZL  1.0  -W12 -B44 -W28 -B27 -W34 +BYE
46     Hackney, Leyton  (W)  1626  NZL  0.0  -BYE

2019 Summit Rapid Championships Junior

 1  Tang, Tracy            745  NZL     5.5  +B43 +W38 =B19 +W18 +B6  +B4
 2  Wang, Ruichen          981  NZL     5.0  +W40 -B8  +W15 +B23 +W13 +B16
 3  Huang, Justin          898  NZL     5.0  +W27 -B6  +W40 +B33 +W24 +B9
 4  Xin, Joseph            968  NZL     5.0  +B52 +W36 +B41 +W25 +B8  -W1
 5  Ali, Adam             1050  NZL     5.0  +B55 -W41 +B42 +W11 +B10 +W8
 6  Jin, Kaibo(Bosco)        0  NZL     4.5  +B29 +W3  =W20 +B7  -W1  +B19
 7  Shan, Alexandra          0  NZL     4.5  +B44 =W18 +B39 -W6  +B25 +B20
 8  Zhao, Oliver           461  NZL HP  4.0  +B48 +W2  +B9  +W22 -W4  -B5
 9  Saheb, Saahir         1066  NZL     4.0  +W37 +B23 -W8  +B12 +B19 -W3
10  Pan, Alexander Hanru   737  NZL HP  4.0  -W21 +B35 +W32 +B28 -W5  +B24
11  Dai, Jerry             699  NZL     4.0  +W24 -B22 +W34 -B5  +W35 +B32
12  Mudaliar, Tarun        721  NZL AC  4.0  +B14 +W28 -B22 -W9  +B42 +W27
13  Du, Devin              767  NZL     4.0  +B50 -W19 +B30 +W41 -B2  +W25
14  Liu, Xinrui              0  NZL     4.0  -W12 +B46 +W31 -B21 +W33 +B23
15  Wang, Ruitong          364  NZL     4.0  -B38 +W43 -B2  +W50 +B30 +W22
16  Al-Afaghani, Anas      776  NZL     4.0  +BYE +W42 -B25 +W44 +B22 -W2
17  Lau, Wesley              0  NZL     4.0  -B18 -W44 +B52 +W29 +B41 +W26
18  Hu, Anthony            752  NZL AC  3.5  +W17 =B7  +W21 -B1  -W20 +W39
19  Santoso, Aaron           0  NZL     3.5  +W49 +B13 =W1  +B20 -W9  -W6
20  Xiao, Maxwell          758  NZL     3.5  +B53 +W34 =B6  -W19 +B18 -W7
21  Liu, Richie              0  NZL     3.5  +B10 =W39 -B18 +W14 -B26 +W38
22  Wang, Justin             0  NZL     3.0  +B45 +W11 +W12 -B8  -W16 -B15
23  Zhang, Kyan Jiarun     487  NZL     3.0  +B30 -W9  +B38 -W2  +B43 -W14
24  Rehansi, D P Sayuni      0  NZL     3.0  -B11 +W45 +B29 +W26 -B3  -W10
25  Chen, Micah            343  NZL     3.0  +W51 +B26 +W16 -B4  -W7  -B13
26  Ray, Charlotte         849  NZL     3.0  +B47 -W25 +BYE -B24 +W21 -B17
27  Chu, Arthur              0  NZL     3.0  -B3  -W29 +B45 +W48 +W31 -B12
28  Zhao, Nicole             0  NZL     3.0  +W46 -B12 +B36 -W10 -B38 +W41
29  Yu, Dean               765  NZL     3.0  -W6  +B27 -W24 -B17 +W54 +B46
30  Somaraju, Sai Vivan      0  NZL     3.0  -W23 +B37 -W13 +B46 -W15 +B48
31  Jin, Darius            786  NZL     3.0  -B42 +W47 -B14 +W39 -B27 +W43
32  Wei, Ryan                0  NZL     3.0  -B41 +W55 -B10 +W36 +B44 -W11
33  Chen, Alina            390  NZL     3.0  -B34 +W53 +B51 -W3  -B14 +W42
34  Xiao, Leo Yi             0  NZL     3.0  +W33 -B20 -B11 -W42 +B55 +W45
35  Feng, Sophia             0  NZL     3.0  -B39 -W10 +B55 +W51 -B11 +W44
36  Kichavadi, Grishma     371  NZL     3.0  +W54 -B4  -W28 -B32 +W53 +B51
37  Au Yeung, Bruce Hoi      0  NZL     3.0  -B9  -W30 -B43 +W52 +B51 +W55
38  Yuan, Paul               0  NZL     2.5  +W15 -B1  -W23 =B40 +W28 -B21
39  Wang, Chris            828  NZL HP  2.5  +W35 =B21 -W7  -B31 +W40 -B18
40  Bengali, Enay            0  NZL     2.5  -B2  +W48 -B3  =W38 -B39 +B49
41  Harrison, Zac          434  NZL     2.0  +W32 +B5  -W4  -B13 -W17 -B28
42  Hou, Mel                 0  NZL     2.0  +W31 -B16 -W5  +B34 -W12 -B33
43  Liu, Raymond             0  NZL     2.0  -W1  -B15 +W37 +B49 -W23 -B31
44  Shao, Zanlin           538  NZL     2.0  -W7  +B17 +W54 -B16 -W32 -B35
45  Zheng, Ruiting         464  NZL     2.0  -W22 -B24 -W27 +B54 +W47 -B34
46  Zheng, Tiana Un Iong   253  NZL     2.0  -B28 -W14 +B53 -W30 +B52 -W29
47  Fala, Benedict           0  NZL     2.0  -W26 -B31 -W49 +W55 -B45 +B54
48  Wang, Steven             0  NZL     1.5  -W8  -B40 +BYE -B27 =W49 -W30
49  Zhang, Aidan           608  NZL     1.5  -B19 -W50 +B47 -W43 =B48 -W40
50  Januszczak, Jan          0  NZL     1.0  -W13 +B49 -BYE -B15
51  Zhang, Ethan Bohan       0  NZL     1.0  -B25 +BYE -W33 -B35 -W37 -W36
52  Chen, David              0  NZL     1.0  -W4  -B54 -W17 -B37 -W46 +B53
53  Jing, Michael            0  NZL     1.0  -W20 -B33 -W46 +BYE -B36 -W52
54  Yao, Simai Austin        0  NZL     1.0  -B36 +W52 -B44 -W45 -B29 -W47
55  Au Yeung, Robin Hoi      0  NZL     0.0  -W5  -B32 -W35 -B47 -W34 -B37
56  Hou, Romeo       (W)     0  AUS     0.0  -BYE