
Results 2008

Dresden Olympiad 2008

The Open team was Murray Chandler, Russell Dive, Bob Smith, Roger Nokes, Stephen Lukey. The Women's team was Helen Milligan, Sue Maroroa, Judy Gao, Vivian Smith, Natasha Fairley

The Open team was seeded 72nd out of 154 teams and finished 97th with a +5-6 match record and 18/44 game points.

The Women's was seeded team 76 out of 114 teams and finished 62nd with a +5=1-5 match record and 23.5/44 game points.

Dresden Olympiad, NZ Open team

                    1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9           10          11          Score
                    TRI (113)   MAC (130)   ETH (141)   SLO (28)    UAE (82)    PAK (139)   BIH (29)    UKR (2)     GEO (17)    TUR (50)    BRA (58)    Rp
Chandler 2515                   1 (2017)    1           0 (2597)    0.5 (2476)  1 (2265)    1 (2669)    0 (2786)    0 (2664)    0.5 (2464)  1 (2488)    6/10 2455
Dive 2357           0 (2233)    1 (2013)    1           0 (2569)                            0 (2615)    0 (2720)    0 (2610)                0 (2488)    2/8 2138
Smith 2316          0 (2123)                0           0d (2548)   0.5 (2287)  0 (2207)                0 (2680)                0 (2449)                0.5/7 1790
Nokes 2293          1 (2250)    1 (2041)    1 (2201)                1 (2336)    1           0.5 (2559)  0 (2659)    0 (2615)    0 (2436)    0 (2447)    5.5/10 2330
Lukey 2271          0 (2084)    1 (2009)                0 (2501)    1 (2230)    1           1 (2455)                0 (2584)    0 (2387)    0 (2412)    4/9 2186
Result              1-3         4-0         3-1         0-4         3-1         3-1         2.5-1.5     0-4         0-4         0.5-3.5     1-3
Match Points        0           2           4           4           6           8           10          10          10          10          10
Game Points         1           5           8           8           11          14          16.5        16.5        16.5        17          18

Dresden Olympiad, NZ Women's team

                    1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9           10          11          Score Rp
                    ARU (106)   EST (46)    ENG (31)    DOM (66)    PHI (51)    YEM (114)   LUX (41)    IRQ (89)    ISL (65)    LBA (110)   WLS (77)
Milligan 1957       1           0.5 (2208)  0 (2339)                0.5 (2154)  1           0 (2328)    1 (2109)    0 (2237)                1 (1883)    5/9 2049
Maroroa 1938        1           0 (2212)                0 (2097)    0 (2073)    1           0 (2246)                0 (1915)    1           1 (1935)    4/9 1810
Gao 1896            1           0 (1896)    0 (2178)    1 (2045)    0 (2100)                0.5 (2166)  1 (1913)                1           1 (1783)    5.5/9 1982
Smith 1858          1                       0 (2076)    1 (2028)    0 (1998)    1                       1           1 (1806)    1           0.5         6.5/9 1822
Fairley 1803                    0 (1961)    0 (2065)    0 (1917)                1           0 (2001)    0.5         0 (1776)    1                       2.5/8 1599
Result              4-0         0.5-3.5     0-4         2-2         0.5-3.5     4-0         0.5-3.5     3.5-0.5     1-3         4-0         3.5-0.5
Match Points        2           2           2           3           3           5           5           7           7           9           11
Game Points         4           4.5         4.5         6.5         7           11          11.5        15          16          20          23.5

2008 Grand Prix Results

Congratulations to the following winners in the 2008 Millennium Hotels NZ Chess Grand Prix:

Open – 1 Michael Steadman $750 2 Bob Smith $500 3 Gino Thornton (taking 1st U2000 prize) 4 Anthony Ker $400 5 Nic Croad $300 6 Daniel Han $200.

Under 2000 – 1 Gino Thornton $400 2 Bruce Wheeler $300 3 Richard Taylor $200 4 Mario Krstev (taking 2nd Junior prize) 5 Daniel Shen (taking 1st Junior prize) 6 Ross Jackson $100

Under 1700 – 1 Neil Cruden $350 2 Jim Cater $250 3 Devon Smith $150 4 Ron Collingwood (taking 2nd Senior prize) 5 Richard Dare $75.

Under 1400 – 1 Gary Judkins $300 2 Thomas Gothorp $200 3 Alan Ansell (taking 2nd U14 & U1400 prize) 4 Hans Gao (taking 1st U14 & U1400 prize) 5 Ron Collingwood (taking 2nd Senior prize) 6= Vaughan Collingwood, Karl Zhu $75 each.

Junior – 1 Daniel Shen $300 2 Mario Krstev $200 3 Andy Chen $100 4 Alan Ansell (taking 2nd U14 & U1400 prize) 5 Devon Smith (taking 3rd U1700 prize) 6 Sue Maroroa $50.

Female – 1 Helen Milligan $300 2 Viv Smith $200 3 Katy Qiu $100 4 Nicole Tsoi $50.

Senior – 1 Peter Stuart $300 2 Neil Cruden (taking 1st U1700 prize) 3 Jim Cater (taking 2nd U1700 prize) 4 Ron Collingwood $200 5 Viv Smith (taking 2nd Female prize) 6 Bob Mitchell $100 7 Wayne Power $50.

Under 14 & Under 1400 – 1 Hans Gao $150 2 Alan Ansell $100 3 Karl Zhu (taking 3rd= U1400 prize) 4 Alex Pan $50.

Best non-prize-winning North Islander outside the main centres – John Duneas (7th U2000) $50

Best non-prize-winning South Islander – Nigel Cooper (7th U1700) $50

Event Results

MIT A – P. Stuart (5.5/6) 1, M. Krstev (5) 2, G. Thornton (4.5) 3, E. Lee, P. Garbett, M. Steadman (4) 4-6 ...19 players.

MIT B – A. Huang (5/6) 1, R. Dare, J. Bryan (4.5) 2-3, L. Zhu, I. Semerdzhieve, N. Cruden (4) 4-6 ...20 players.

MIT C – J. Lewis, B. Liu (5/6) 1-2, H. Jiang, G. Chen (4.5) 3-4, M. Garland, W. Yao, P. Mukkattu, J. Sapeta, J. Ying (4) 5-9 ... 33 players

MIT Junior – D. Goulder-Horobin, L. Leow (5.5/6) 1-2, D. Rong (5) 3, M. Zheng, J. Chen (4.5) 4-5 ... 40 players.

Wellington Rapid – N. Croad (5.5/6) 1, A. Ker (5) 2, E. Lee (4.5) 3, M. King, I. Sellen, B. Nijman, N. Myberg, L. Farrington, J. Davis, R. Jackson (4) 4-10 ... 27 players.

Merv Morrison Memorial (Class 1) Open – M. Steadman (6/6) 1, R. Smith, D. Han (4.5) 2-3, B. Wheeler, R. Taylor, J. Gao, N. Khan, E. Tanoi (3) 4-8 ...11 players.

U1700 – N. Cruden, P. Mukkatu, H. McLeod, S. Kolev (4.5/6) 1-4, A. Ansell, G. Chen (4) 5-6, D. Litvinov, R. Mitchell, Alan Chen, P. Young, S. Lyall (3.5) 7-11 ...23 players

South Island Championship (SuperClass) at Kaikoura

GM M. Chandler, GM D. Johansen, IM S. Solomon (7/9) 1-3, IM A. Toth (6.5) 4, FM R. Nokes, J. Davis (6) 4-5, FM R. Smith, C. Qi, A. Machdoem, H. Bennett, W. Forster, P. Van Dijk, R. Jackson (5.5) 7-13 ... 44 players

Kapiti Rapid – R. Dive (6/6) 1, N. Croad (5) 2, A. Ker, D. Baider, C. Burns, M. Sims, Z. Rajcsanyi, M. Hill (4.5) 3-7 49 players.

Puchen Rapid – B. Wheeler (4/5) 1, M. Steadman (3.5) 2, D. Han (3) 3 .. 6 players.

Puchen Rapid Under 1700 – D. Litvinov (5/6) 1, S. Lyall, M. Steiner, H. McLeod, P. Mukkattu (4) 2-5 ...12 players

35th North Shore Open (Class 1) M. Steadman, P. Garbett, G. Thornton (4/5) 1-3, R. Hart, M. Krstev (3.5) 4-5, J. Browne, J. Duneas, S. Lukey, Andy Chen, R. Taylor (3) 6-10 ...21 players.

B Tournament: D. Johns (4.5/5) 1, I. Semerdzhiev, D. Zhao, B. Wu (3.5) 2-4, M. Arora, R. Mitchell, R. Collingwood (3) 5-7 ... 17 players.

C Tournament: K. Zhu, B. Liu (4.5/5) 1-2, S. Lyall (4) 3, V. Collingwood, A. Pan, R. Rider, X. Li, B. Chen, T. Gothorp, M. Nathan (3.5) 4-10.

Howick Pakuranga’s Sutton Rapid (Class 3).R. Taylor (5.5/6) 1, P. Spiller, B. Lim, S. Yee, C. Blaxall (5) 2-5, L. McLaren (4.5) 6, S. Plyler, J. Cater, K. van den Bosch, E. Yip, E. Huang (4) 7-11 ... 27 players.

4th Puchen Rapid Open – R. Smith, J. Browne (4.5/6) 1-2, L. McLaren (4) 3, M. Steadman (3.5) 4, E. Lee (3) 5 ... 8 players. Under 1700 – X. Li, P. Mukkattu (5/6) 1, J. Cater (4.5) 3, D. Litvinov, S. Lyall, C. Liu (4) 4-6 ...17 players.

Waikato Open Open – R. Hart (5.5/6) 1, R. Smith (4.5) 2, M. Steadman, D. Han (4) 3-4, G. Spain, P. Stuart, J. Browne, F. Fuatai, T. Toleafoa (5-9) ... 22 players

U1700 – J. Cater (4.5/6) 1, G. Shields, R. Collingwood, R. Dare (4) 2-4, T. Gothorp, A. Tumai (3.5) 5-6 ... 15 players.

North Island Championships (Class 1): A. Ker (6.5/8) 1, P. Stuart (5.5) 2, G. Thornton, J. Duneas, F. Fuatai, H. Milligan, C. Blaxall (5) 3-7 ...21 players

North Island Rapid Championships (Class 2): A. Ker, H. Bennett (5/6) 1-2, M. Steadman (4.5) 3, B. Rider, J. Duneas, P. Spiller (4) 4-6 ...24 players.

NZ Junior Championship (Class 1): S. Maroroa, Andy Chen, M. Krstev (6/7) 1-3, E. Yip (5.5) 4, F. Petreski, D. Shen, B. Wu, C. Guo, A. Huang, E. Huang, H. Gao (5) 5-11 ...62 players

NZ Junior Rapid Championship (Class 1): M. Krstev (5.5/6) 1, Andy Chen, D. Shen, E. Yip, J. Gao (5) 2-5, L. Yang, E. Huang, D. Smith, L. Zhang, C. Liu (4.5) 6-10.

Fairhurst Pawn (Class 3): L. McLaren (7.5/9) 1, R. Taylor (7) 2, P. Spiller, S. Yee, C. Blaxall, E. Yip (5.5) 3-6 ... 21 players.

Waitakere Trust Open (SuperClass)

A – P. Garbett, M. Steadman, J. McCrone, P. Zhang, G. Thornton (4.5/6) 1-5, R. Dive, D. Han (4) 6-7, B. Smith, M. Brimble, H. Bennett, P. Hair, D. Shen, A. Chen (3.5) 8-13 ...30 players.

B – J. Cater (5/6) 1, N. Khan (4.5) 2, A. Huang, E. Huang, J. Gao (4) 3-5 ... 18 players

C – G. Judkins, B. Wu, M. Steiner (5/6) 1-3, A. Ansell (4.5) 4, B. Liu, S. Lyall, J. Ansell (4) 5-8 ...30 players

Junior – H. Gao (5.5/6) 1, J. Lewis (5) 2, H. Cui, Jason Li (4.5) 3-4 ... 23 players.

Otago Queen’s Birthday (Class 1) – N. Croad (5.5/6) 1, R. Jackson (4.5) 2, Q. Johnson, M. Nyberg, J. Sutherland (4) 3-5 ... 12 players.

Puchen Rapid (Class 2)

A – L. McLaren, B. Wheeler, M. Steadman (4.5/6) 1-3, G. Thornton, N. Goodhue (3.5) 4-5 ... 10 players

B – N. Cruden, A. Maroroa (5/6) 1-2, T. Maroroa, R. Taylor, B. Mitchell (4.5) 3-5 ... 26 players

3rd Puchen Rapid 11 May 2008

A – M. Steadman, L. McLaren, A. Krstev, D. Han (4.5/6) 1-4, E. Tanoi, D. Shen, P. Stuart, P. Garbett (3.5) 5-8 ...20 players

B – R. Taylor, N. CRuden, T. Maroroa (5/6) 1-3, D. Smith, V. Collingwood (4.5) 4-5, M. Steiner, K. Zhu, G. Judkins, B. Wu, P. Zhang, Alan Chen (4) 6-11 ...35 players.

NZ Women’s Champs

N. Fairley, J. Gao, H. Milligan (6.5/9) 1-3, E. Charamova (6) 4, V. Smith (5.5) 5, C. Liu, Shirley Wu (3.5) 6-7.

Reserve Championship – J. Wong, J. Li (8/9) 1-2, J. Zhu (6.5) 3, C. Zou, O. Dong (5) 4-5.

St Pauls Rapid - A rested Puchen Wang showed a clean pair of heels to the field in his own fund-raising event, the St Pauls Rapid on April 13, scoring 6 straight wins. A log jam for the minor money resulted in a tie for second between Fuatai Fuatai, Gino Thornton and Daniel Han. Leading results: P. Wang (6/6) 1, F. Fuatai, G. Thornton, D. Han (4) 2-4, R. Smith, J. McDonald (3.5) 5-6, P. Garbett, J. Duneas, P. Spiller (3) 7-9 ... 16 players.

B Tournament – A. Ansell, D. Smith, R. Taylor, R. Dare (5/6) 1-4, V. Collingwood (4.5) 5, G. Judkins, I. Kennedy, T. Gothorp, A. Tumai (4) 6-9 ... 35 players.

Howick Pakuranga CC’s Latvian Rapid (Class 1)

A Tournament - R. Smith, M. Steadman, P. Garbett, G. Thornton (4.5/6) 1-4, J. Duneas, M. Krstev, L. McLaren (3.5) 5-8 ...15 players.

B Tournament – R. Taylor (5.5/6) 1, D. Litvinov, Andy Chen, A. Booth, D. Smith, Z. Aziz (5) 2-6, N. Cruden (4.5) 7 ... 64 players

Bay of Plenty Rapid (Class 2), organised by Mt Maunganui RSA CC:

A Tournament – M. Steadman (5.5/6) 1, J. Duneas, G. Thornton (4.5) 3-4, H. Marko (4) 4, R. Smith, R. Hart (3.5) 5-6 ... 18 players.

B Tournament – R. Collingwood (5/6) 1, N. Cruden, D. Smith (4.5) 2-3, V. Collingwood, D. Taylor, A. Ansell (4) 4-6 ... 20 players.

NZ Championship – M. Chandler (9/11) 1, R. Dive & M. Steadman (7.5) 2-3, H. Van Reimsdijk, L. McLaren, G. Spain, R. Hart (6.5) 4-7, A. Ker, S. Lukey, R. Smith, T. Reilly, O. Hartvig (6) 8-12 ... 22 players.

NZ Major Open – D. Shen (8.5/11) 1, B. Wheeler, S. Yee (8) 2-3, M. Krstev (7.5) 4, A. Krstev, R. Jackson (7) 5-6, H. Milligan, M. Wu, D. Eade, W. Power, W. Forster, C. Blaxall, S. Maroroa, N. Fairley, N. Cruden (6.5) 7-15 ...46 players

NZ Rapid Championship – H. Van Reimdijk (7.5/9) 1, R. Smith, M. Steadman (7) 2-3, A. Ker, P. Wang, G. Thornton, R. Dive (6.5) 4-7, L. McLaren, M. Krstev, N. Goodhue, H. Milligan, J. McDonald, S. Maroroa (6) 8-13 ... 58 players.

The final top 10 in each division are listed below. Attendances at Grand Prix tournaments were up by 115 on 2007, with 1207 entries in GP events. 487 players gained GP points (96 more than last year). The number of tournaments increased by 6 to 28, largely because of a series of “one-off” rapids. The full list is at , where Helen Milligan kindly regularly updates it.

Open – M. Steadman 84.37, R. Smith 69.5, G. Thornton 68.37, A. Ker 64.75, N. Croad 54.5, D. Han 52.5, P. Garbett 51.87, M. Chandler 50, R. Dive 47.75, P. Stuart 37.17.

Under 2000 – G. Thornton 95, B. Wheeler 68.9, R. Taylor 68.4, M. Krstev 68.25, D. Shen 61.5, R. Jackson 58.53, J. Duneas 57.26, F. Fuatai 52.93, E. Tanoi 45.9, J. Browne 45.75.

Under 1700 – N. Cruden 74, J. Cater 61.75, D. Smith 53, R. Collingwood 46.5, R. Dare 37.5, P. Mukkattu 35.25, N. Cooper 35, S. Ward 33, D. Litvinov 32.33, Edward Huang 32.25.

Under 1400 – G. Judkins 65.17, T. Gothorp 61.97, A. Ansell 60, H. Gao 57.5, R. Collingwood 56.33, V. Collingwood, K. Zhu 45.75, S. Lyall 41.25, B. Liu 40.58, S. Plyler 38.17.

Junior – D. Shen 89.5, M. Krstev 87.67, Andy Chen 79.34, A. Ansell 73.5, D. Smith 62.17, S. Maroroa 53.17, B. Wu 51.11, J. Gao 51, H. Gao 48.86, B. Liu 48.5.

Female – H. Milligan 90.5, V. Smith 69, K. Qiu 60.5, N. Tsoi 58.5, M. Yang 57, C. Liu 55.3, S. Maroroa 53.5, J. Zhu 52.7, J. Gao, J. Li 51.

Senior – P. Stuart 100, N. Cruden 92.5, J. Cater 85.5, R. Collingwood 73, V. Smith 71, R. Mitchell 70, W. Power 69, M. Garland 59, A. Booth 46, A. Nijman 42.5.

Under 14 & Under 1400 – H. Gao 94.5, A. Ansell 65.8, K. Zhu 65.5, A. Pan 45, L. Zhu 43.9, G. Chen 39.5, X. Li 39, B. Liu 38.3, J. Lewis 37.5, N. Tsoi 33.

Congress 2008, 115th New Zealand Championship

No Name                  Feder Rtg  Title Club Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11
1  Chandler, Murray      NZL   2540 gm         9      3:W  9:L  6:W 14:D 18:W  8:D  4:W  2:W 10:W  5:W 16:W
2  Dive, Russell         NZL   2341 im    WE   7.5    6:W 11:W 14:W 18:D  4:L  3:D  8:W  1:L 13:W  9:W  5:D
3  Steadman, Michael     NZL   2238       AC   7.5    1:L 22:D 21:+ 12:W 10:W  2:D 13:D  9:W  5:L  4:W  8:W
4  Van Riemsdijk, Herman BRA   2391 im         6.5   12:L 10:W  7:W  9:W  2:W 13:D  1:L  5:D  8:W  3:L 15:D
5  McLaren, Leonard      NZL   2250       NS   6.5   21:W 18:D 13:D  8:L 16:W  9:D  6:W  4:D  3:W  1:L  2:D
6  Spain, Graeme         NZL   2191       GA   6.5    2:L 20:W  1:L 15:W 11:W 18:D  5:L  8:L 22:W 14:W 17:W
7  Hart, Ralph           NZL   2174       NS   6.5   13:D 16:D  4:L 19:D 17:W 14:D  9:L 12:D 20:W 22:W 18:W
8  Ker, Anthony          NZL   2330 im    WE   6     15:L 17:W 12:W  5:W 13:D  1:D  2:L  6:W  4:L 10:W  3:L
9  Lukey, Stephen        NZL   2283 fm    WE   6     22:W  1:W 18:L  4:L 14:W  5:D  7:W  3:L 11:D  2:L 20:W
10 Smith, Robert         NZL   2333 fm    WT   6     16:D  4:L 19:W 11:W  3:L 12:W 18:W 13:D  1:L  8:L 21:W
11 Reilly, Tim           AUS   2276 fm         6     20:W  2:L 15:W 10:L  6:L 16:D 21:W 18:W  9:D 13:D 19:D
12 Hartvig, Ove          DEN   2233 fm         6      4:W 14:L  8:L  3:L 19:W 10:L 20:W  7:D 21:W 16:D 22:W
13 Garbett, Paul         NZL   2338 im    NS   5.5    7:D 15:W  5:D 16:W  8:D  4:D  3:D 10:D  2:L 11:D 14:L
14 Watson, Bruce         NZL   2293 fm    AC   5.5   17:W 12:W  2:L  1:D  9:L  7:D 16:L 21:W 15:D  6:L 13:W
15 Barlow, Matthew       NZL   2148       NS   5.5    8:W 13:L 11:L  6:L 20:D 17:D 19:D 22:W 14:D 21:W  4:D
16 Dowden, Tony          NZL   2170       OT   5     10:D  7:D 22:W 13:L  5:L 11:D 14:W 17:D 19:D 12:D  1:L
17 Thornton, Gino        NZL   2095       NS   5     14:L  8:L 20:D 21:W  7:L 15:D 22:W 16:D 18:W 19:D  6:L
18 Croad, Nicolas        NZL   2313       WE   4.5   19:W  5:D  9:W  2:D  1:L  6:D 10:L 11:L 17:L 20:W  7:L
19 Stuart, Peter         NZL   2114       NS   4     18:L 21:D 10:L  7:D 12:L 22:D 15:D 20:D 16:D 17:D 11:D
20 Fuatai, Fuatai        NZL   2087       NS   2.5   11:L  6:L 17:D 22:D 15:D 21:D 12:L 19:D  7:L 18:L  9:L
21 Goodhue, Nathan       NZL   2083       AC   2      5:L 19:D  3:- 17:L 22:W 20:D 11:L 14:L 12:L 15:L 10:L
22 Bennett, Hilton       NZL   2094       HA   1.5    9:L  3:D 16:L 20:D 21:L 19:D 17:L 15:L  6:L  7:L 12:L

2008 Congress, Major Open

No Name              Loc  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11
1  Shen, Daniel      1844 8.5   35:W 16:D  8:D 18:D 23:W  7:W  2:D 10:W  3:W  5:W  4:D
2  Wheeler, Bruce    1994 8     26:W  3:D 27:W  5:D  8:D 30:W  1:D  4:D 11:D  6:W 15:W
3  Yee, Stanley      1811 8     31:W  2:D  6:D 16:D 18:W 11:D 17:W  5:W  1:L  7:W 12:W
4  Krstev, Mario     1927 7.5   28:W  8:D 25:L 33:W  9:W 17:D 16:W  2:D  7:D 14:W  1:D
5  Krstev, Antonio   1937 7     18:W 23:W 22:W  2:D  7:D 10:D  6:W  3:L 12:W  1:L 11:D
6  Jackson, Ross     1914 7     34:D 20:W  3:D 24:W 30:D 26:W  5:L  9:D 17:W  2:L 19:W
7  Wu, Minghua       1882 6.5   29:W 30:W 24:D 25:W  5:D  1:L  9:D 21:W  4:D  3:L  8:D
8  Blaxall, Craig    1794 6.5   41:W  4:D  1:D 28:W  2:D 16:D 10:L 19:W  9:L 25:W  7:D
9  Maroroa, Sue      1759 6.5   36:W 12:D 19:W 10:D  4:L 20:W  7:D  6:D  8:W 15:L 14:D
10 Forster, Bill     1847 6.5   13:D 33:W 34:W  9:D 17:D  5:D  8:W  1:L 14:L 21:D 22:W
11 Milligan, Helen   1929 6.5   20:D 34:D 16:D 29:D 35:W  3:D 14:D 23:W  2:D 19:D  5:D
12 Eade, Don         1855 6.5   21:W  9:D 17:D 30:L 34:D 24:W 26:W 27:W  5:L 16:W  3:L
13 Cruden, Neil      1552 6.5   10:D 25:L 14:W 19:D 22:D 23:D 20:D 26:W 21:D 18:D 28:W
14 Fairley, Natasha  1679 6.5   44:W 22:L 13:L 45:W 32:W 27:D 11:D 16:W 10:W  4:L  9:D
15 Power, Wayne      1854 6.5   32:W 24:L 28:L 39:D 37:W 18:L 31:W 20:W 22:W  9:W  2:L
16 Tanoi, Edward     1719 6     43:W  1:D 11:D  3:D 24:W  8:D  4:L 14:L 23:W 12:L 30:W
17 Yip, Edwin        1713 6     45:W 19:D 12:D 22:W 10:D  4:D  3:L 29:W  6:L 28:D 20:D
18 Seabrook, Roy     1678 6      5:L 31:W 39:W  1:D  3:L 15:W 27:L 30:D 24:W 13:D 21:D
19 Chen, Eachen      1844 6     39:W 17:D  9:L 13:D 21:D 34:W 30:W  8:L 27:W 11:D  6:L
20 Goffin, Peter     1670 6     11:D  6:L 35:D 31:W 29:W  9:L 13:D 15:L 39:W 27:W 17:D
21 Kay, Bruce        1571 6     12:L 36:W 23:L 44:W 19:D 22:W 25:W  7:L 13:D 10:D 18:D
22 Dolejs, Dan       1833 5.5   38:W 14:W  5:L 17:L 13:D 21:L 33:W 34:W 15:L 26:W 10:L
23 Aldridge, Alan    1801 5.5   42:W  5:L 21:W 26:D  1:L 13:D 32:W 11:L 16:L 34:W 24:D
24 Smith, Vivian     1728 5.5   37:W 15:W  7:D  6:L 16:L 12:L 39:D 35:W 18:L 31:W 23:D
25 Taylor, Richard   1734 5.5   40:D 13:W  4:W  7:L 26:L 33:D 21:L 36:W 32:W  8:L 29:D
26 Ward, Simon       1678 5.5    2:L 38:W 44:W 23:D 25:W  6:L 12:L 13:L 29:W 22:L 34:W
27 Gold, Hamish      1831 5.5   33:D 40:W  2:L 35:D 28:W 14:D 18:W 12:L 19:L 20:L 38:W
28 Cater, Jim        1627 5.5    4:L 42:W 15:W  8:L 27:L 35:L 41:W 33:W 30:W 17:D 13:L
29 Gilmour, Mark     1590 5.5    7:L 41:D 40:W 11:D 20:L 36:W 35:W 17:L 26:L 32:W 25:D
30 Evans, David      1771 5     46:+  7:L 32:W 12:W  6:D  2:L 19:L 18:D 28:L 33:W 16:L
31 Gothorp, Thomas   1342 5      3:L 18:L 36:W 20:L 40:W 32:L 15:L 41:W 37:W 24:L 43:W
32 Booth, Anthony    1570 5     15:L 37:W 30:L 38:W 14:L 31:W 23:L 39:W 25:L 29:L 40:W
33 Michael, Andrew   1411 5     27:D 10:L 41:W  4:L 39:W 25:D 22:L 28:L 42:W 30:L 44:W
34 Mitchell, Robert  1627 4.5    6:D 11:D 10:L 43:W 12:D 19:L 37:W 22:L 40:W 23:L 26:L
35 Mukkattu, Phillip 1519 4.5    1:L 43:W 20:D 27:D 11:L 28:W 29:L 24:L 36:D 38:L 41:W
36 Zhu, Karl         1253 4.5    9:L 21:L 31:L  0:W 43:W 29:L 38:W 25:L 35:D 40:D 42:D
37 Gao, Hans         934  4.5   24:L 32:L 38:D 42:W 15:L 44:W 34:L 40:L 31:L 43:W 39:W
38 Garland, Mana     1431 4.5   22:L 26:L 37:D 32:L 44:D 43:+ 36:L 42:D 43:W 35:W 27:L
39 Huang, Edward     1489 4     19:L 45:W 18:L 15:D 33:L 41:+ 24:D 32:L 20:L 44:W 37:L
40 Zhu, Leo          1021 4     25:D 27:L 29:L 41:D 31:L 42:D 43:W 37:W 34:L 36:D 32:L
41 Guo, Charlie      1277 4      8:L 29:D 33:L 40:D 45:W 39:- 28:L 31:L 44:W 42:W 35:L
42 Rudkins, Linton   1301 3.5   23:L 28:L 43:L 37:L  0:W 40:D 44:W 38:D 33:L 41:L 36:D
43 Guo, Nelson       867  2     16:L 35:L 42:W 34:L 36:L 38:- 40:L 44:W 38:L 37:L 31:L
44 Zhu, Judy         646  1.5   14:L  0:W 26:L 21:L 38:D 37:L 42:L 43:L 41:L 39:L 33:L
45 Qiu, Katy         687  1     17:L 39:L  0:W 14:L 41:L  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:
46 Ansell, Alan      1276 0     30:-  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: