
Results 2004

2004 Grand Prix Results

The 2004 Grand Prix was sponsored by Global Chess Enterprises. Congratulations to all the prize-winners listed below (maximum score 80 points).

Open 1st Paul Garbett(NS) 68.5 $500 2nd Alexei Kulashko(AC) 64.5 $350 3rd Anthony Ker(WN) 62.5 $250 4th Stephen Lukey(WN) 56 $200 5th Leonard McLaren(NS) 54.5 $150

Under 2000 1st Gino Thornton(NS) 77.5 $300 2nd Hilton Bennett(HA) 55.5 $200 3rd Prashant Mistry(NS) 49.5 $150

Under 1700 1st Jeremy Browne(HA) 67.4 $150 2nd Caleb Wright(MM) 55.4 $100 3rd Andrew Stone(NS) 53 $50

Under 1400 1st Simon Ward (CA) 69.5 $150 2nd Brett Rider(WT) 57.5 $100 3rd Steven Yang(AC) 43 $50

Junior 1st Puchen Wang(AC) 80 $150 2nd Jacques Lei(HP) 60.5 $100 3rd Michael Zhang(AC) 54.67 $50

Female 1st Natasha Fairley(NH) 77.5 $150 2nd Vivian Smith(WT) 69.5 $100 3rd Eachen Chen(WT) 39 $50

Senior 1st Neil Cruden (GA) 67.67 1st $150 2nd Bob Mitchell 51.67(NS) $100 3rd Peter Morten(HP) 35.5 $50

Under 14 and Under 1400 1st Andy Chen 73.17(HP) $100 2nd Michael Wu(AC) 62.5 $60 3rd Richard Dare(HA) 54.67 $40

Best North Islander outside Auckland and Wellington: Graeme Spain (Te Awamatu) $50

Best South Islander: Hamish Gold (Otago) $50

All prize-winners are invited to a presentation to be held at the conclusion of the 2005 Oceania Zonal at 6pm on Friday, February 4 at the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre, Waipuna Rd, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Light refreshments will be provided. Prize-winners who cannot attend please advise your postal addresses for cheques to be forwarded.

Final leaderboards:

OPEN: P. Garbett 68.5, A. Kulashko 64.5, A. Ker 62.5, S. Lukey 56, L. McLaren 54.5, P. Wang 50.5, G. R. Dive 42.5, Thornton 35, N. Croad 33.85, G. Spain 32.4, R. Smith 32.14, M. Steadman 30.9, P. Green 27, R. Nokes, R. Hart 20, B. Martin 17.5, A. Krstev 15.9, R. Sutton 15, B. Watson, A. Compton, J. Nebel 13.5, P. Stuart 12, H. Bennett 11.14, M. Van der Hoorn 10.5.

UNDER 2000: G. Thornton 77.5, H. Bennett 55.5, P. Mistry 49.5, M. Nyberg 46.5, M.T. Sims 42, B. Reedy 36, Caleb Wright 33.2, Jason Wu 29.67, R. Jackson 29.4, Q. Johnson 28.83, D. Xu 28.17, J. McCrone 27, B. Donaldson 25, A. Stone 24.54, K. Chibamba 24, C. Burns 22.71, N. Gunn 21.5, R. McKerras 21.4, P. Beach, B. Forster 20, J. Browne 18, P. Vetharaniam 17.71, J. Boardman 17.5, A. Nijman 16.3, R. Gibbons 14, B. Fiedler 13.5, P. King, L. Farrington 13.25, D. Watts 13, G. Davies, J. Van Ginkel 12.4, B. Robertson, H. Gold, R. Perry D. Baider 12, W. Lynn 11.87, A. Aldridge 11.71, C. Hall, P. Hair 10.5.

UNDER 1700: J. Browne 67.4, Caleb Wright 55.4, A. Stone 53, Jason Wu 49, V. Smith 44.9, H. Gold 44.2, D. Eade 39.4, S. Ward 35.9, M. Zhang 33.2, B. Rider 32.5, N. Cruden 30.3, L. Farrington 29.33, B. Robertson 29, D. Xu 27, M. Wu 25.5, S. McChesney 24.5, D. Dolejs 24.36, H. Marko 23.4, Paul Morten, D. Plumpton, A. Lin, E. Book 20, C. Riding 19.4, J. Lei 18.9, D. Baider 18, G. Shields 17.4, B. Gloistein 16.7, A. McGowan 15.75, P. King 15.33, E. Otene 15, H. Noor 14, N. Fairley 13.6, S. Maroroa, P. Rossiter, E. Chen, A. Chen 12, S. Taylor 11.2, E. Tan, G. Aimers, S. Yang, J. Gao 10.5.

UNDER 1400: S. Ward 69.5, N. Fairley 61.7, B. Rider 57.5, M. Wu 44.6, S. Yang 43, G. Mulinder 36.5, A. McGowan 32, E. Chen 31, G. Judkins 30.1, A. Lin 29, D. Baider 27, M. Kluge 24.67, D. Pelle 22.1, A. Chen 21.14, S. Maroroa, B. Jones, 20, L. Ding 19.5, O. Lynn 18, J. Gao, P. Deacon 17.5, R. Dare 17.14, C. Bourne 16.75, T. Gothorp 16.5, Shirley Wu 16.27, B. Kluge, S. Paea, G. Shields 15.67, M. Garland 15.65, A. Jones 15.64, A. Maroroa 15.6, T. Maroroa 14.14, J. Burrows 12.5, M. Stevenson 12.25, Peter Morten, D. Wilson, Y. Hou 12, P. Abel 11.25, B. Cheng 11.10, R. Whitehouse 11, D. Smith 10.6, M. Cowen 10.5, M. Saib 10.25.

JUNIOR: P. Wang 80, G. Thornton 77.5, N. Fairley 68.17, J. Lei 60.5, M. Zhang 54.67, A. Lin 53, Jason Wu 49.5, B. Robertson 42.67, D. Xu 39, A. Chen 36.15, M. Wu 34.03, R. Dare 33.15, E. Charomova 31.67, S. Yang 30.75, S. McChesney 27, J. Burrows 26.16, R. Whitehouse, G. Mulinder 25.5, Shirley Wu 24.36, O. Lynn 22.5, B. Jones 20, B. Cheng 19.53, M. Saib 16.33, M. Krstev 15.75, D. Baider 14.4, P. Abel 14, A. Maroroa 12.86, S. Maroroa, A. Stone 12, J. Favel, S. Abel, O. Lynn, Y. Hou, L. Ding, C. Deacon 10.5, L. Burrows 10.33.

FEMALE: N. Fairley 77.5, V. Smith 69.5, E. Chen 39, Shirley Wu 37.83, E. Otene 37.3, J. Burrows 36, S. Maroroa 28.5, L. Dare 28, N. Saib 24.3, E. Charomova 24, L. Burrows 20.3, N. Tsoi 19, H. Courtney, L. Goodkind 17.5, A. Brewer 15.33, E. Breska 15, Sharon Wu 14.5, J. Zhou 13.5, J. Fong, C. Liu, D. Cloete 12, J. Nokes, L. Tabitha 10.5, J. Gao 10.

SENIOR: N. Cruden 67.67, B. Mitchell 51.67, P. Morten 35.5, P. Vetharaniam 35, C. Wilson 33.5, M. MacDonald 30, M. Garland 26.17, A. Nijman, B. Gloistein 21, R. Collingwood 17.5, R. Sutton, T. Booth , D. Stracy 15, H. Goekel 12, R. Keeling 11.

UNDER 14 & UNDER 1400: A. Chen 73.17, M. Wu 62.5, R. Dare 54.67, A. Maroroa 50, M. Krstev 49.75, S. Maroroa 48.75, Shirley Wu 41.95, E. Chen, B. Cheng 41, J. Burrows 31.33, Y. Hou 29.23, O. Lynn 23.76, Sharon Wu 22.5, S. Tang 21.75, D. Baider 21.07, B. Jones 20, P. Abel 19.5, Jesse Wu 18, N. Saib 16, T. Sellars 15, J. Zhou 14, L. Burrows 13.83, S. Abel 13.5, N. Tsoi 12.86, A. Lau 12, J. Favel, C. Vercoe-Groenen 10.5.

Event Results

NZ Championship (Class 1)– A. Wohl (AU) (8.5/11) 1, A. Ker (8) 2, T. Civin (CZ) (7.5) 3, R. Dive, P. Garbett (7) 4-5, S. Lukey (6.5) 6, T. Reilly (AU), R. Smith, G. Spain (6) 7-9 ... 18 players

NZ Major Open (Class 1) – B. Forster (8.5/11) 1, P. Vetharaniam (8) 2, M. Nyberg (7.5) 3, N. Gunn, W. Lynn, A. Stone (7) 4-6 ... 32 players.

NZ Rapid Championship (Class 2) – T. Civin (CZ), R. Dive (7.5/9) 1-2, A. Ker, N. Croad (7) 3-4, G. Thornton, M. Nyberg (5.5) 5-6 ... 26 players

Wellington Rapid (Class 3)– S. Lukey (5.5/6) 1, R. Dive (5) 2, N. Croad (4.5) 3, D. Baider (3.5) 4 ...13 players.

MIT Rapid (Class 1) – P. Wang (4.5/5) 1, B. Smith (4) 2, P. Garbett, P. Mistry, H. Bennett (3.5) 3-5, L. McLaren, M. Steadman, M. McNabb (3) 6-9 ... 22 players

MIT Rapid B Tournament – V. Smith (5/5) 1, N. Cruden, G. Shields, S. Paea, J. Lei, B. Kluge (4) 2-6, A. Lin (3.5) 7 ... 37 players. An additional 18 players competed in the MIT junior tournament, which was not part of the Grand Prix.

South Island Championship (Class 2) - R. Sutton (7/8) 1, G. Spain (6.5) 2, Q. Johnson (6) 3, B. Reedy, C. Hall (5.5) 4-5, R. Dowden (5) 6 ... 25 players

South Island Rapid (Class 3) - R. Dowden (5.5/6) 1, H. Bennett, D. Watts (5) 2-3, H. Gold (4.5) 4, Q. Johnson, L. Ding, G. Mulinder (4) 5-7 ... 23 players.

Waikato Open (Class 1) - R. Hart (4.5/6) 1, R. Smith, G. Spain, P. Stuart (4) 2-4, M. Steadman, C. Wright (3.5) 5-6 ... 16 players

Waikato B - A. Lin (5.5/6) 1, H. Marko (4.5) 2, J. Browne, M. Zhang, G. Shields (4) 3-5 ...19 players

Otago Spring Rapid (Class 3) - R. Dowden (4.5/5) 1, R. Sutton (4) 2, Q. Johnson, A. Stone (3.5) 3-4, D. Heperi, T. Peng, G. Dembo, T. Rowell (3) 5-8 ... 17 players

Canterbury Queen's Birthday Weekender (class 3) - B. Reedy, M. Nyberg (4.5/5) 1-2, S. McChesney, S. Ward, A. Nijman (4) 3-6, B. Nijman, R. McKerras, P. Fraemohs, C. Benson (3.5) 7-10 ... 18 players

NZ Junior Championship(class 1) - P. Wang (6/7) 1, G. Thornton (5.5) 2, J. Watson, D. Baider, M. Zhang, R. Dare, A. Chen (5) 3-7, Jason Wu (4.5) 8 ... 31 players

NZ Junior Rapid Championship(class 1) - P. Wang (5.5/7) 1, G. Thornton (5) 2, S. Yang (4) 3, M. Zhang, J. Watson, J. Lei, A. Lin, D. Smith (3.5) 4-8 ... 16 players

NZ Junior Rapid Under 1400(class 1) - A. Chen (5.5/6) 1, T. Sellars (5) 2, D. Baider, Y. Hou, T. Chao, O. Lynn, R. Dare (4.5) 3-7 ... 46 players.

Upper Hutt 30-30 - A. Ker (6/6) 1, M. Van Der Hoorn, M. Noble (4.5) 2-3, P. King, L. Farrington, M. Nyberg, D. Wilson (4) 4-7 .. 23 players.

Mid-Canterbury Rapid - T. Dowden, A. Nijman (5/6) 1-2, N. Cummings, R. McKerras (4.5) 3-4, H. Gold, Z. Urbanski, R. Scarf (4) 5-7 .. 24 players.

North Island Championship - P. Garbett, L. McLaren (6.5/8) 1-2, G. Spain, N. Cummings, M. Steadman, M. Barlow, A. Krstev (5.5) 3-7 ... 36 players.

North Island Rapid Championship - A. Kulashko (5.5/6) 1, P. Wang, L. McLaren, M. Steadman, G. Thornton (5) 2- 5, R. Smith, P. Green (4.5) 6-7, P. Garbett, M. Van der Hoorn, M. Barlow, P. Mistry, P. Stuart, A. Krstev, J. Browne, K. Chibamba, J. Robinson (4) 8-16 ... 61 players.

Waitakere Licensing Trust Open: A.Ker 4.5/5, A.Kulashko, P. Green 4/5.

Hamilton Junior Tournament, which attracted 68 players. Leading scores: P. Wang (6/6) 1, G. Thornton, B. Robertson, E. Charomova, M. Ryan, M. Wu, S. Yang (5) 2-7, E. Chen (4.5) 8.

Defending champion Viv Smith claimed her 10th NZ Women's title. It was a close-run fight, with Smith trailing runner-up Evginia Charomova by half a point going into the last round. Leading scores: V. Smith (6/7) 1, E. Charomova (5.5) 2, S. Maroroa (5) 3, E. Otene, Shirley Wu, F. Clark 4-6 ... 11 players.

Neil Cruden wins the NZ Seniors Championship.

Otago Easter Open results (OT unless stated): 1st B. Donaldson (CA) 6/6; 2nd= A. Stone, L. Lambert (Waikouaiti) & G. Aimers 4; 5th= B. Reedy (CA), Q. Johnson & H. Gold 3½. Under 1700 grade prize: A. Stone and G. Aimers 4. Best DJCA players: J. Burrows and J. Favel 3.

The Wellington Easter was won by Roger Nokes with 5/6.

Earlier, the Howick-Pakuranga CC's Latvian Tournament was a testament to the success of the Grand Prix, with a record 98 entries.

Leading scores: Open - P. Garbett (5/6) 1, A. Kulashko, P. Green (4.5) 2-3, A. Krstev, G. Thornton (4) 4-5... 22 players. Challengers - Paul Morten (5.5) 1, J. Browne (4.5) 2, E. Tan, J. Lei (4) 3-4 .. 16 players. Reserve - B. Jones (6) 1, R. Dare, T. Maroroa, Peter Morten (5) 2-4 ... 60 players.

The first GP event of the year, the Auckland International Open, was a nine round Class One swiss from January 19 to 23, sponsored by the Howick-Pakuranga Times and Global Chess Enterprises.

Leading scores: GM D. Johansen (AUS), IM G. West (AUS)(7/9) 1-2, P. Wang, T. Reilly (AUS), O. Koeller (GER)(6) 3-5, B. Watson, A. Compton (5.5) 6-7 ... 26 players