
Weiyang Yu Wins Trusts Open Best Game

By Tournament Organiser FM Bob Smith

Grandmaster Murray Chandler has chosen Weiyang Yu’s win over Leo Baker as the best game of the recent 46th Trusts Chess Open.

14-year-old Weiyang has a habit of picking up best game prizes; she also won this prize at the New Zealand Women’s Championships in 2022.

Her winning effort this year follows, with Murray’s comments.

“YU v BAKER, French Defence, 1-0 (31 moves) Early on White speculatively sacrifices her d-pawn for open lines and activity. The move 23 c4! sparks off a deep tactical sequence, where it seems that Black is technically ok on material after 27….Qxa2. But after 28 Rbe1 the reality is that White is far better coordinated, and the Black king is vulnerable. Even so it is surprising how quickly the game is wrapped up with tactics (29 Qg5!, 30 Rxd5! and 31 Re8+! – as on 31…Kg7 there follows 32 Qxd8 and White has won a rook).

An impressive and sustained attacking performance by Weiyang Yu.”

After more than a decade Murray is stepping down as the Trusts Open Best Game Judge. On behalf of me and the Waitakere Chess Club I would like to express my sincere appreciation for his many voluntary hours of work.