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Arbiters & Organiser Resources

For arbiters and TDs, rating lists in native Vega format

Anyone running tournaments with Vega should get into the habit of checking for Vega updates (Menu Help> Check Update, the “online” version is Vega parlance for the latest version), new FIDE rating files, and new NZCF rating files before every event!

NZCF Ratings (Period 2, 2024, Updated 04/07/2024)

NZCF Standard Ratings | NZCF Rapid Ratings

Note that it is quite common for new New Zealand Players to appear in the FIDE database before they appear in the New Zealand database. So for FIDE rated tournaments, arbiters please get in the habit of checking the FIDE database for new New Zealand players as well as foreign players.

FIDE rating files (TXT format)

The most recent FIDE files can be downloaded from the following links, note that these files are not hosted or maintained by NZCF.

Combined list (STANDARD, BLITZ, RAPID)

All files in TXT format, other formats available at FIDE’s Download’s page.

Vega Resources

Vega: download link
(if the link above doesn’t work, the most likely explanation is that the Vega website has been reorganised, look for a Windows 64 bit download on the Vega website).

NZ registration code:
download text file here.

Vega basic instructions:
read this text file.

Full Vega instructions (pdf document):
download here.

A new NZCF Vega guide (Updated 2024).

Registering an event for FIDE rating

Prior to registering an event for FIDE rating, the entry form must be listed online on the calendar page of the NZCF website – www.newzealandchess.co.nz. The contact email address for organisers to submit entry forms to is: NZCFcalendar@newzealandchess.co.nz.

The following information is essential and should be provided to Michael Freeman at least one month before the event:

  1. The event name and location
  2. The start and finish dates. For tournaments lasting more than 30 days, interim results must be reported on a monthly basis, and the dates of each round supplied.
  3. The number of rounds
  4. The number of days that have more than one game per day
  5. The format – round robin or swiss
  6. The expected number of players
  7. The time control – standard / rapid / blitz, plus an English description of time for moves and any increments
  8. The arbiter(s) FIDE Code and name (who must be licensed with FIDE)
  9. The organisers FIDE code and name
  10. The pairing software being used (in NZ this is most often Vega)
  11. The principal tie-break system being used (in NZ this is usually Direct Encounter)
  12. Any age restrictions – junior/senior
  13. Any sex/gender restrictions
  14. The email of someone who can be contacted if required.

Once the event has been completed, rating reports should be emailed immediately. The FIDE rating report should be emailed to Michael Freeman, the NZCF rating report should be mailed to Rowan Wood. Events spanning more than one month require interim FIDE reports each month.

FIDE publishes a new rating list on the 1st of each month and closes rating report submissions three days prior. So, avoid having events finishing near the end of the month.

Organisers are reminded that all non-NZL players must have a FIDE ID and that dates of birth must be provided for every NZL player without a FIDE ID.

More information is provided in Step 6 of the NZCF Vega guide Getting Started With Vega.

Charges for FIDE Rating: these are payable by the tournament organiser to NZCF within two weeks of the tournament finishing – see the “Payments to NZCF” section below. Currently the charge per player in both Swiss-system and Round Robin events is $2.50 per player. Please make payment into the NZCF bank account and e-mail to advise the NZCF Treasurer treasurer@newzealandchess.co.nz.

Prior to registering an event for FIDE rating, the entry form must be listed online on the calendar page of the NZCF website – www.newzealandchess.co.nz. The contact email address for organisers to submit entry forms to is: NZCFcalendar@newzealandchess.co.nz.

FIDE Resources

Arbiters Manual (2022)

FIDE Handbook

FIDE Arbiters Commission (ARB)

FIDE Accredited Arbiters

All FIDE (World Chess Federation) rated events require an Arbiter who is licensed with FIDE. There are one-off payments due to FIDE when an arbiter first qualifies for the title of National Arbiter, FIDE Arbiter and International Arbiter. Current NZCF policy is that the New Zealand Chess Federation will cover the initial FIDE fee due when a New Zealand arbiter first qualifies for the title of FIDE Arbiter (FA) and International Arbiter (IA). Any subsequent FIDE charges that may be levied in the future shall be the responsibility of the individual.

NameFedTitleFIDE ID
Ang, KeongNZLIA-D4303660
Gibbons, RobertNZLIA-C4300700
Hall, CraigNZLIA-D4301030
Milligan, HelenNZLIA-D2401312
Pollard, BruceNZLIA-D4303164
Wang, YingNZLIA-C4307011
Christie, RichieNZLFA-D4307470
Wei, TinglingNZLFA-D4309065
Ansell, JohnNZLNA4303440
Barry, JacobNZLNA4304662
Booth, AnthonyNZLNA4302699
Broad, CoryNZLNA4317220
Chen, Michael XiNZLNA4317670
Dai, Oliver  NZLNA4307305
Dowden, R.A. Tony  NZLNA4300572
Forster, William  NZLNA4301358
Freeman, Michael Roy  NZLNA4300467
Gallage K G, Roshan  NZLNA4306880
Gao, Hans  NZLNA4302460
Gong, Daniel Hanwen  NZLNA4303962
Ha, Huy Minh (Timothy)NZLNA12417246
Hamalala, Ronald  NZLNA4313119
Hooton, Barry RNZLNA4306325
Howard, Aidan-Barrett  NZLNA4317696
Huang, AlexNZLNA4302508
Johns, DanielNZLNA4303296
Johnson, Quentin J.F.  NZLNA4301480
Lyall, GordonNZLNA4317688
Lyall, SimonNZLNA4303148
Macdonald, PaulNZLNA4302177
Noble, Mark FrederickNZLNA4300319
Nylund, Henrik  NZLNA4305248
Pomeroy, Arthur J  NZLNA4300416
Postma, AlexanderNZLNA4313283
Riachi, Ramiro  NZLNA4315090
Rossiter, PhilipNZLNA4301455
Sellen, Ian  NZLNA4300610
Smith, Robert W  NZLNA4300190
Smith, Scott R  NZLNA4308840
Tang, HaoNZLNA4311280
Thurner, Christoph  NZLNA4302370
Wang, Feifei  NZLNA8318021
Wei, JingboNZLNA4311272
Yang, Dan Ru  NZLNA4310225
Yee, Stanley  NZLNA4301170
Yuan, HongNZLNA4313542