New Zealand Chess Magazine

© New Zealand Chess Federation Inc 2019

The most recent incarnation of a national chess magazine has been New Zealand Chess which began publication in 1975 but sadly ceased publication in 2018. Interest in the magazine has waned as audience tastes have swung increasingly towards more immediate and up to date chess news. Improvements in the NZCF website itself should pick up the slack from 2019. In particular hopefully the new NZ Chess Bulletin online magazine has a bright future.

Note that the dedicated New Zealand Chess website includes almost all recent magazine content in online play-through format, a feature that is rumoured to have accelerated the demise of the magazine itself.

This collection has grown to include all issues since 1973. The initial issues in 1973 were known as the NZCA Bulletin. Now that the collection includes all issues from this time, the evolution from the shortlived NZCA Bulletin to the comparitively resilient NZ Chess is clear. Apologies from the web administrator for some confusion in this area before the scanning was completed in October 2020, (and the confusion actually persisted on some pages until March 2021).

Two monographs from 1975 ("NZ Championship Dunedin 1974-1975" and "A White Pawn in Europe") have been added alongside the early magazine issues of the time.

Thanks to Philip Hair for labour and Michael Freeman for funding. Use the buttons below to navigate through the collection.

Some even older New Zealand magazines are now also available, through the Older button.