When R. G. Wade and D. A. Yanofsky were in Iceland they found the opposition unexpectedly strong, Yanofsky in one simul failing to win a single game! Wade, however played some good games and here is one, played at Reykjavik, that bears the stamp of the master. Notes by the Editor (F. G. McSherry)
Agustsson, G - Wade, Robert G
Reykjavik 1947
1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 The Reti Gambit 2...c6 3.b3 Nf6 4.Bb2 Bf5 5.e3 White should play (5.g3 and fianchetto the King Bishop when the opposing Bishop on f5 will not be so well placed ) 5...e6 6.Be2 White's opening now appears to be a Reti gone Nimzowitch with Black able to develop his pieces easily on the right squares. 6...Nbd7 7.O-O Bd6 8.d4 h6 9.Nbd2? A waste of time. In any case, c3 was a better place for the Knight. White should play (9.Ne5 followed by f4. It is not often that the complete theory of Nimzowitch's Attack can be put into operation. ) 9...Qb8 If White had any idea of playing Ne5 he is barred from doing so now. 10.Rc1 g5! Putting on the pressure where it hurts most. Black wisely refrains from castling ad goes ahead with the flank attack, against which White's opening strategy permits no effective counterplay. 11.g3 Rg8 12.Kg2 (12.Ne1 then Ng2 looks better. The Knight is thoroughly impotent on f3 ) 12...h5 13.Rg1 h4 14.Kf1

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Laborious and ineffective. The fox has gone to ground, but the possibility of counter-action has not been increased. 14...hxg3 15.hxg3 Ng4 16.Nb1 Bxg3 17.Rxg3 Nxe3+ 18.fxe3 Qxg3 Bh3 is threatened and there is none to come to the rescue 19.Ng1 Rh8 20.Bf3 Rh2 21.Qe1 Bh3+ 22.Nxh3 Qxf3+ An excellently played game by Wade. 0-1