Column - From One Mug to Another by Woodshifter
I have heard it expressed on many occasions that the Chess magazines do not publish enough games by ordinary woodpushers ...
Students will note from the following game
That it is unwise to embark upon an attack without obtaining complete development.
That it is easy to waste time, and the consequences of doing so.
It is not good to deploy the pieces so that they get in each other's way cramping the position.
That during the transition period in the latter part of the middle game it is wise to have an eye to the ending; and
The vigorous part played by the King in the end game.
NN - Woodshifter
Woodshifter's Column 1947
1.e4 e6 2.c3 Trying to get away from the book. My opponent has an exaggerated respect for my ability in the openings. It is a common failing for many players to imagine that if they can get the book player away from the book lines they will be at a disadvantage. Nothing is further from the truth. The good book player not only knows the opening play but knows what it is all about, so that any digression from sound lines is, more often than not, likely to recoil on the digressor. 2...d5 3.d4 c5 4.Be3 cxd4 5.Qa4+ Giving the Queen a training gallop. It is difficult to divine the reason of this move. (5.cxd4 appears to be all right ) 5...Bd7 6.Qxd4 Nc6 7.Qd3 Nf6 8.Nd2 Be7 Owing to White's Queen evolutions, he is somewhat behind in time. 9.Ngf3 dxe4 10.Nxe4 Qc7 Preparing ...Ne5 and ...Rd8 11.Qc2 He didn't like it much, so why not make the Queen shift yet again... 11...Nxe4 12.Qxe4 f5

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With the intention of castling next move and then playing e6-e5. As the White Queen cannot move to the King's side I think I am quite safe, but the move is risky. 13.Qc2 White has played the Queen six times in 13 moves, so I am quite contented. I don't know why I didn't carry out my original intention; I must have been so complacent that I decided to dally by the way - with almost fatal results. 13...a6 14.Bg5 Bxg5 15.Nxg5 Nd4 I thought I saw something based on following up with ...Qe5+ but it wasn't there, so this is just another waste of time. 16.Qd3 Nc6 17.Be2 Rd8 To protect the Bishop once I've played ...O-O and ...Qe5. I am worried about my King's side and cramp is setting in. 18.Qh3 The White Queen wasn't supposed to reach the King's side! Now I am worried. Castles was expected and the surprise probably exaggerated the danger. 18...h6 is obviously bad as then the white squares would be wide open. 18...g6 is useless too, but 19.Bh5+ must be prevented. 18...Qe5 19.Qf3 O-O 20.O-O g6 21.Rfe1 Threatening Bc4 winning the e-pawn. 21...Qf6 22.Qf4 b5 23.Qh4 Qg7 24.c4 The Black Queen side Pawns are very weak. This was plain enough much earlier in the game but lack of time prevented anything being done about it. 24...h6 25.Nh3 g5 26.Qg3 f4 27.Qc3 ( If 27.Qf3 Nd4 ) 27...Qxc3 28.bxc3 Rf6 29.cxb5 axb5 And White appears to win a Pawn. 30.f3 ( But he gave it a lot of thought and decided against it 30.Bxb5 g4 31.Bxc6 Bxc6 32.Nxf4 Rxf4 33.Rxe6 Rc4 and White has three Pawns (two of them passed) against the extra piece. At least that was my analysis and I expected White to go ahead and try to make his passed pawns tell. I felt thankful that he valued the Knight so highly. ) 30...Na5 31.Rab1 Nc4 32.Bxc4 bxc4 33.Red1 Rf7 34.a4 Ra8 35.Rd4 Rxa4 36.Rbd1 Bb5 37.Rb1 Bc6 38.Nf2 Bd5

Safe at last! From now on White is going to find the going difficult. 39.h3 The King needs air! 39...Ra3 40.Nd1 Kg7 41.Rc1 Rfa7 42.Rd2 Ra2 To take command of the seventh rank ( Not 42...Ra1 43.Rxa1 Rxa1 44.Kf2 ) 43.Rxa2 Rxa2 44.Nf2 h5 ( If 44...Kf6 45.Ng4+ Kg6 46.Ne5+ gaining some freedom. ) 45.Kf1 Kg6 The King is a brave fellow! Now that all danger is past,he sallies forth into the thick of the battle. His journey is noteworthy. 46.Nd1 Kf5 47.Rb1 g4 48.hxg4+ hxg4 49.fxg4+ Kxg4 Nothing daunts him. What a difference between this intrepid leader and the shivering monarch cowering behind his retainers in the middle game! 50.Rb2 Rxb2 51.Nxb2 e5 52.Kf2 e4 53.Nd1 e3+ 54.Kg1 Kg3 55.Nb2 e2 0-1