
Frequently Asked Questions

If the answer to your question is not here, please contact us with your query.


Where can I find out what chess tournaments are coming up?

Visit the NZCF Events Calendar

How do I enter a chess tournament listed on the events calendar?

Click on the event – there should be a REGISTER HERE button or other information regarding entries and entry forms.


How do I find out if there is a club near me?

Please visit the NZ Chess Clubs page. This has a map showing clubs, a listing of clubs, their contact details and, in many cases, more information about when and where they meet.

How do I join a chess club?

Please visit the NZ Chess Clubs page. This has a map showing clubs, a listing of clubs, their contact details and, in many cases, more information about when and where they meet. Contact the club you want to join – they will be able to guide you through things.


How do I get an NZCF Rating?

You will get an NZCF rating (Rapid or Standard) once you have played in an NZCF rated event, be it at a club or at an open tournament AND you have achieved the minimum results to achieve a rating – these are not clearly defined, but usually involves scoring at least 0.5 points vs rated opponents.

Ratings lists are produced quarterly (for the periods ended 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December) and usually published a couple of weeks after the end of the rating period.

NZCF IDs and Ratings can be found here: https://newzealandchess.co.nz/new-zealand-ratings-list/

How do I get a FIDE Rating?

Firstly, please read the question below, regarding obtaining a FIDE ID. Then, you need to play in FIDE rated events, play a minimum of 5 games against FIDE rated opponents, and achieve a performance rating of at least 1400. if you fulfil these criteria then you should appear in the next FIDE ratings list – published on the 1st of every month.


Please also refer to the FIDE FAQ page – the information there may contain more detail, but for a general answer, please see below!

How do I get a FIDE ID?

If you are a New Zealand citizen or an New Zealand resident (residence class visa of 12 months or more) then you can register as an NZL (New Zealand) player with FIDE.

If you intend to play in a FIDE rated event abroad (and do not yet have a FIDE ID), then you will need to email the national FIDE Ratings Officer, Richard Christie – FIDE.Ratings@newzealandchess.co.nz. He will need a copy of the Photo/Details pages of your passport (and visa if applicable). An application for a FIDE ID will be made on your behalf.

If you intend to play in a FIDE rated event IN New Zealand (and do not yet have a FIDE ID), then just enter and play the event – a FIDE ID will be issued as part of the tournament reporting process.

FIDE IDs and ratings can be found here – https://ratings.fide.com/

How do I get a FIDE Rating?

Firstly, please read the question above, regarding obtaining a FIDE ID. Then, you need to play in FIDE rated events, play a minimum of 5 games against FIDE rated opponents, and achieve a performance rating of at least 1400. if you fulfil these criteria then you should appear in the next FIDE ratings list – published on the 1st of every month.

FIDE IDs and ratings can be found here – https://ratings.fide.com/