
The first issue of “Chess Aotearoa Magazine” is out!

“The New Zealand Chess Magazine began publication as early as 1973 but sadly was discontinued in 2018. We would love to be able to act as a continuation of this magazine, but we also want to put our own spin on it – therefore the “Chess Aotearoa Magazine”. We’ve heard from way too many people that chess is a sport for “smart people” and that they don’t play chess because they’re “not good at it”. We think chess is a

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New NZCF rating files for arbiters for period 2023-3

Period 3 includes tournaments from July, August and September. See Ratings page for updated rating lists. Twenty-five standard rated tournaments have been processed involving 458 players and 1987 games. The open tournaments are New Zealand Seniors, New Zealand Women’s Championship, Peter Stuart Memorial (North Island), South Island, Auckland Interclub A, Canterbury Junior Championships (A, B) and Invercargill Southern Classic. The club tournaments are Auckland Weekend (July, August, September) and Winter Cup, Summit Winter Cup and Championship, North Shore Championships (A,

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