Olympiad Appeal 2024 (Update)
Budapest Olympiad, 10-23 September 2024
Current Olympiad Appeal (updated 31/7/2024)
- NZCF $1,000
- Nigel Metge $200
- Gawain Jones Simul $500 (HPCC)
- Quentin Johnson $100
- Tony Dowden $100
- Barry Hooton $100
- Ewen Green $200
- M Punsalan $200
- Amrish Khonalkar $100
- TJ Matich $50
- Superblitz $1,860.90
Total $4,410.90
Updated 10/9/2024
Any money raised via this appeal goes directly to the players travelling to Budapest to help with their travel costs. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Donations should be made directly to NZCF bank account with notation ‘Olympiad’:
Account Name: New Zealand Chess Federation Inc.
Account Number: 01 0535 0073257 00
Please also notify NZCF Treasurer (treasurer@newzealandchess.co.nz) or the NZCF Admin (admin@newzealandchess.co.nz) who will promptly acknowledge receipt and issue a formal receipt.
NZCF is a Registered Charity and donations to NZCF are tax deductible – see the following link to IRD.