Month: August 2024

FIDE100 Olympic Torch Ceremony

Auckland Saturday 10 August 2024 FIDE introduced an Olympic torch at the 2022 Chennai Olympiad and to celebrate FIDE’s 100th anniversary this torch went on a global journey spanning 5 continents, going from Chennai, India all the way to Budapest, Hungary where the 45th Chess Olympiad will take place in September. New Zealand was chosen to represent Oceania in this global torch relay – a great honour and an acknowledgment of our good standing with FIDE. A special ceremony, hosted

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FIDE100 Olympic Torch Ceremony – Thank you

This spectacular event will probably only happen once in my life, and I am grateful to have been part of it. As with all such events there are many people who gave time and money to thank. First & foremost, Paul Spiller, who was Organizer and overall coordinator. He also met most of the up-fronts costs required, conscious as always of a limited NZCF budget. In fact, Paul got his whole family involved! His son Jason is a professional in

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RIP David Taylor

Obituary David Taylor was known as the grumpy old man by many and at many clubs around NZ, even in Wellington for many years when he was younger. He played at the Auckland Chess Centre and Howick for a while in the late 1970s. He then came to Papatoetoe Chess Club where he was a member of our club until 2018 when he became to sick to coach the juniors which he loved doing. I used to go see him

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Grant awarded to NZCF by Pub Charities Ltd

The New Zealand Chess Federation (NZCF) is delighted to announce that it has received a generous grant from Pub Charity toward the costs of our webmaster and administrator. By ensuring that our online presence is maintained and expanded, and that our administrative operations run smoothly, this funding will significantly support our ongoing efforts to promote and develop chess across New Zealand. Pub Charity has a long history of supporting community organizations throughout New Zealand. Their commitment to returning funds raised

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Olympiad Appeal 2024 (Update)

Budapest Olympiad, 10-23 September 2024 Current Olympiad Appeal (updated 31/7/2024) Total $2,200 Any money raised via this appeal goes directly to the players travelling to Budapest to help with their travel costs. Your support is greatly appreciated. Donations should be made directly to NZCF bank account with notation ‘Olympiad’: Account Name: New Zealand Chess Federation Inc.Account Number: 01 0535 0073257 00SWIFT: ANZBNZ22 Please also notify NZCF Treasurer ( or the NZCF Admin ( who will promptly acknowledge receipt and issue a

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