Bulletins June 2020

© New Zealand Chess Federation Inc 2022

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Hague, Ben - Fulo, Nunilon

NZCF Online Interclub 3+2 Blitz Event 1 2020

Ben Hague "wtfai", Auckland Chess Centre vs Nunilon Fulo "NuniMF", Bay of Plenty  1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.exd5 c6 4.Nf3 exf4 5.d4 Bd6 6.Bd3 cxd5 7.O-O Nf6 8.Ne5 Qb6 9.Kh1 Bxe5 10.dxe5 Ng4 11.Qe1 g5 12.Nc3 Be6 13.a4 Nc6 14.Nb5 O-O-O 15.a5 Qc5 16.b4 Qe7 17.Nd6+ Kb8 18.a6 Ncxe5 19.Nxb7 Rc8 20.Bb2 f6 21.h3 Ne3 22.Rf2 h5 23.Bd4

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23...g4 24.Rxf4 gxh3 25.Qxe3 hxg2+ 26.Kg1 Ng4 27.Bxa7+ Ka8 28.Qc5 White won on time 1-0

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Gong, Daniel - Ansell, Alan

NZCF Online Interclub 3+2 Blitz Event 2 2020

Daniel Gong "DHgong", Auckland Chess Centre vs Alan Ansell "anonyrat", New Plymouth Chess Club  1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.e3 Bg7 5.h4 Bg4 6.f3 Bd7 7.Be2 h5 8.Nh3 c5 9.Be5 cxd4 10.exd4 Nc6 11.Nf4 Qa5 12.Qd2 O-O 13.Ncxd5 Qxd2+ 14.Kxd2 Rad8

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White has stolen a pawn and seens to have everything under control  15.Bxf6 exf6 16.c3 Be6 17.Nxe6 fxe6


18.Nf4?? whoops  18...Kf7? (18...Bh6 19.g3 e5 ) 19.Bd3 e5? 20.Nxg6? (20.Bc4+ Ke7 21.Nxg6+ ) 20...Rfe8 21.dxe5 Somewhat co-operative, again White's control is spoiled by tactical details  21...fxe5 The White knight has nowhere to go and White cannot stop ...Rxd3  22.g4 Rxd3+ 23.Kxd3 Kxg6 24.Rhg1 hxg4 25.fxg4 Both sides have chances, assymmetry is ultimately what makes chess fun I think  25...e4+ 26.Ke2 Ne5 27.Rad1 Nf3 28.Rd6+ Kf7 29.Rg3?? It takes a while for Black to spot the flaw in this move   29...Nxh4 30.g5 Ng6 31.Ke3 Be5 There you go  32.Rd7+ Ke6 33.Rxb7 Bxg3 34.Rxa7 Kf5 35.Ra6 Kxg5 36.b4 Bf4+ 37.Ke2 e3 38.Ra5+ Kg4 39.Rc5 Rd8 40.b5 Rd2+ 41.Ke1 Bg3+ 42.Kf1 e2+ 0-1