
© New Zealand Chess Federation Inc 2022

June 2019


This is the third edition of an interactive NZ Chess Bulletin. The quarterly New Zealand Chess Magazine is no longer published. An online replacement will no doubt emerge to replace it, and this is an attempt to at least make a start. This was put together by Bill Forster, formerly editor of the NZ Chess Magazine and still web administrator for NZCF. I can be contacted by email at billforsternz@gmail.com. Alternatively you can email games to me via email address games@newzealandchess.co.nz. Annotated games will be published in future bulletins. Bare games will be considered for the New Zealand Games Database (founded by Peter Stuart and now maintained by NZCF).

Feedback is welcome, this is still a new development and is work in progress.

This highlight of this issue is a report from Bob Mitchell on his remarkable win (a point and a half clear of the field) in the E grade of the ACO Senior World Championships from a ranking position in the middle of the field. Having prepared the games for electronic publication, the Editor can confirm that Bob played some stonking chess.

It's also great to see Mike Steadman contribute some annotated games in this format. The games are from his dominating win at the North Island Championships in Wellington. Brian Nijman has also annotated a couple of entertaining games from the traditional Upper Hutt Rapid. Other top players please take note and follow suit!


ACO Senior Chess Championship by Bob Mitchell

Happy Days at the North Island Champs by Mike Steadman

B-N5! by Bill Forster

Two Games from the Upper Hutt Rapid by Brian Nijman

Host City Asia Report by Paul Spiller

Promoting Chess in Invercargill by Bob Smith