
© New Zealand Chess Federation Inc 2022

December 2021

December 2021

This issue of the NZCF online chess bulletin features an article from the April 2021 issue of CHESS monthly, the UK magazine, on the special chess rivalry between IMs Anthony Ker and Russell Dive (reproduced here with permission).

I (Bill Forster) have been putting together a web publishing tool called Winged Spider especially for the NZCF website. Amongst other things it makes generating these bulletins much easier than ever before. As a test I have put together in just a couple of hours an express report on the South Island Championship which only finished today.

I am convinced in the potential of these online bulletins - they just need some keen authors to step up and send me some annotated PGNs. Why don't you have a go?


The Big Rivalry, Ker vs Dive

South Island Championship

Sygulski-Smith, Lucerne Olympiad 1982