NEW ZEALAND GAMES DATABASE 2017 ========================================================================= About this Games Collection This database of New Zealand games was started in 1995 with the aim of including as many previously published games as I could find. The obvious sources included magazines, books, tournament bulletins and websites but there are also hundreds of games which have never been published elsewhere. Thanks are due to the many players who have supplied games. Aside from games played in New Zealand the database also includes many games played by New Zealand players in overseas events, e.g. Olympiads, Zonals, World and Asian Junior and Youth Championships, and international tournaments. Roughly 17%(approx. 8,000) of the games were played in New Zealand Championships of which about one third are complete. Installation To install the database copy the ChessBase (cbv) file to an appropriate directory, typically c:\ChessBase\Bases. You can then open the database from within the ChessBase or Fritz programs. The included pgn file can also be opened in word-processing programs. Database The games in the database are sorted in chronological order according to the last day of the tournament. Thus, for example, the 2001/02 New Zealand Congress events are indexed under 2002, not 2001 as might be usual in some other databases. Indexing Player names are consistent throughout the database and the tournament index lists more than 2300 events. Ratings Where player ratings are given these are FIDE ratings in the case of overseas events or international tournaments played in New Zealand, or New Zealand ratings in the case of New Zealand tournaments. Annual Upgrades Upgrades of this database are normally available each year in March and purchasers of this year's version will be advised when the upgrade becomes available. Special upgrade prices apply on a disk-return basis. Address As always, any suggestions or comments you may have are welcome. My addresses are: Peter Stuart 9A Merriefield Ave Forrest Hill Auckland 0620 Email: